The past couple of months I’ve been meditating on the Psalms. I read and re-read a single Psalm each morning. This is not the first time I’ve gone through all the Psalms. Last time I did it I had a blue highlighter in hand and I highlighted everything that reminded me that God is trustworthy. This time I’m reading them with a purple pen in hand and I’m writing things down in the margins and underlining and circling.
This morning, the Psalm I was meditating on was Psalm 114. I didn’t highlight anything the last time I read through this Psalm. So, I expected this morning to be quick and to not really get anything new from it. Boy was I wrong. I was struck by the questions asked in verses 5-6:
“Why was it, sea, that you fled? Why, Jordan, did you turn back? Why, mountains, did you leap like rams, you hills, like lambs?”
I wrote this “answer” in my Bible right next to those questions:
Because God spoke.
I was suddenly in awe of the power of God’s word. It hit me in a new way and I continued, and still am continuing to ponder this power and the things that happen when God speaks.
God speaks and light appears.
God speaks and forms the Earth from nothing.
God speaks and the seas turn to dry land.
God speaks and mountains move.
God speaks and hearts of stone are melted.
God speaks and sins are forgiven.
God speaks and people are made whole.
God speaks and healing happens.
God speaks and something good ALWAYS follows.
Wow! Literally right after reading that this morning and being struck by God’s power, I got to go to a VBS and teach the kids there about how God used His words to create the World. The light, the sky, the land and plants, the sun and moon and stars, the birds in the sky and the animals in the seas, the animals on the land and you and me. Dang.
Thanks God for speaking. Thank you that you’re not just silently sitting on your throne, but that you’re still speaking and moving just as you did in the times Scripture was written. Let me never miss it when you speak and let me never maid the miracles that follow.