It was nice to meet you. Thank you for asking me questions. Thank you for not being afraid to offend me and not being afraid to have conversations about God and religion even when you knew we had very different opinions.
When you left, I saw a look of triumph in your eyes. You had asked me a question that I didn’t necessarily have the answer to. You told me that everything is taught and I can unlearn the things that I’ve been “brainwashed” to believe. I think you left misunderstanding something really important though:
The power of God, and what it means for me in light of our conversation.
You have your logic and questions. I have faith and God. I’m afraid that you left our conversation thinking that you succeeded in getting me to question my faith because you found the question I couldn’t answer. Here’s the thing though: I’m not afraid of questions I don’t know the answer to. God’s ways are higher than my own and His thoughts are beyond mine (Isaiah 55:8-9). When I have a question that’s hard to answer, I seek the scriptures. When I still can’t find an answer, or God tells me that it’s not something he means for me to understand yet, I get excited that someday I will meet my Maker face to face and I can ask Him all my questions then.
I also know that absolutely nothing can separate me from God’s love (Romans 8:38-39). I am his and even hard questions aren’t going to cause me to lose my salvation. I may stutter when I’m asked a question by a logical skeptic like you, but at the end of the day I’m confident that when I die I will spend eternity in heaven with my Father.
Finally, God can melt your heart of stone (Ezekiel 36:26), and I am earnestly praying that he will and that you will let him. I will be praying for you to encounter the Lord and also be okay with not having an answer to all your questions. I’m praying that you will experience a relationship with God that’s better than understanding everything. I am praying that you will get to ask your questions and that in asking you will learn how much God loves you.
You might think stumping me on a hard question gave you victory, but I am victorious in Christ and always will be. You too can step into the same victory and I pray that someday you will. I don’t know what the outcome of your life will be. I probably won’t ever see you again in this life, but I certainly hope that we will meet again in heaven and that God will turn your eyes and your heart to him. I hope that I will get to sit with you in a heavenly coffee shop and hear how God melted your heart and showed you his goodness and his love. I hope that I will get to hear the answers you found when seeking your questions about the Lord. I hope that we both will be in paradise for eternity with our heavenly Father.
Until then, keep asking questions. God’s not afraid of them either. He wants to know you and he wants you to know him.