To All My Faithful Supporters,
First of all I want to say thank you so much for all the ways you have been supporting me over that last year. My time on the field has been absolutely incredible and I love being a part of what God is doing around the world. By donating and praying for me and my squad, you too have been an important piece of the ministry happening through myself and Adventures in Missions.
As you may know, COVID created a huge twist in the road for me. I had to come back to the United States 5 months early and I did not have any answers about what would happen next and what the situation was with the money that had been raised. After 2 months I finally got answers and now I am writing this to give you some answers as well and let you know what’s next for me.
I received an email in May from Adventures in Missions leadership letting me know how much credit I have with them and what I can do with that credit. They gave us a list of ministry options which I could use my funds to be a part of. One of those options was to relaunch with a new world race route and squad for any amount of months we choose. After much prayer (as well as guidance from friends, family and mentors), I have decided to relaunch in January and go for the full 11 months again. I’m very excited for the opportunity ahead of me and believe this is where God is leading me for the next season of life.
With COVID still being a concern, things are still a little vague. Rather than having a list of 11 countries we will be going to, we have a list of areas of the world we will visit. My squad will start in Central America, then move to Asia and end in Africa. In each of these areas, AIM has bases that we will start with and from there we hope to be able to enter surrounding countries. This is, of course, subject to change. I will be sure to update you as soon as I get any updates as well if things so change.
With all that being said, yes, I will have to raise more funds to cover the expenses for another 11 months on the field. I had $3,400 left over from the previous race and my new goal is $13,000. That leaves me with $9,600 left to raise. In order to raise the funds for this next race, I am living with my parents and working at an Amazon warehouse. I will also be selling T-shirts again (a new design!). I believe I will be able to pay for the majority of the trip on my own through what I am making with amazon. I’m blown away by God’s faithfulness and am looking forward to stepping back into ministry and world race community in January.
This blog is the same one I will have and will continue to post updates and stories from the field here. If you have any questions at all, feel free to reach out to me. My phone number is (909) 528-8393 I would love to chat with you on the phone as well if you want to hear more specifics about my relaunching.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this.