What I want to leave you with, my true only hope is that you would daily authentically come before the Father 

Just know Him

That’s it

*photo gems from Coryn’s disposable camera 

If I wrote about you Gap 23

What feeling would come to mind

Despair that 6 months is over or serenity that 6 months was what it was

The latter

Serenity, peace

Rejoice my soul

Come and behold

The elevated Name of Jesus

More than we could ask think or imagine

This squad, each and every one of you is a bucket of promises and answered prayers washed over my head

Family is what you are to me


I wrote a butterfly poem in San Jose, because you chickens as Hannah would say have always been butterflies to me


your wings reflecting the glory of our Maker

You are out of your cocoons

Each one of you transformed by the Blood, by perseverance, by love

On my last squad I was in a dark hole at one point unable to grab a way out, but Gap 23 you taught me to love with a bioluminescent love I didn’t know was in me

The unseen, hidden, unheard girl was planted on the good soil of your burning hearts and love, redemption, acceptance, and belonging bursted forth

The spotlight of squad leading at training that once brought anxiety now bleeds authority and freedom – and it’s because you saw me and knew me more than ever before

Thank you Gap 23 for pouring gasoline on the fire of my heart and making me burn 

I’m leaving transformed

I‘ll remember Him as Sustainer and your beautiful faces as the ones that taught me to fly and taught me to dream

I didn’t know where leading you guys was leading me

But my dear friends you parted the red sea of my stubbornness and paved the path to see the core of God’s heart for me

You guys are the vessel by which God would show me what I was made for

And every soul that receives light and liberation out of darkness can thank you Gap23


It been honor and privilege to be trusted with your stories, your many tears, your joys and triumphs, your questions and your searching

I wouldn’t trade a moment

The best of adventures and memories

And never forget those international faces God had us encounter together

Never forget the journey and the Savior who calls us into it

Not around it, but towards and through the hard and the pain and the mystery and the grey

It’s worth it, because you can get to the other side and it can be this beautiful

God’s never been more beautiful than this, when I’m looking at all of you

It’s irreversible the wave and ripple of God’s hand in this bunch of faithful followers that I’ve got to call home for a half a year

We’ve lived in abandon and gotten to surrender 

Even when I could not see it, the Sovereign Potter was doing what He does and forming us into people free and unrestrained

Praising the King, foolishly, lavishly submitted at the feet of the Cross and obedient to the only one that is worthy


I love you Gap 23

What was done is SEALED by the precious powerful blood of Jesus Christ

We are triumphant 

We know the Shepherd’s voice 

The Shepherd’s tender care for his flock isn’t going anywhere all our days

There no turning back 

Our hearts are His 

We found it’s not just about us

And when new trials and battles and callings come remember that this flock of sheep is behind you, surrounding you with support

You are absolutely zealously loved by me forever my family Gap 23