Today I woke up at 10 am in Malealea Valley, Lesotho. I laid in bed for quite some time and just thought about my surroundings. I also went in and out of sleep at the same time. I’ve never been so in awe of God then I have been right now in Malealea Valley. Around 11:20 Hayden opens the door up wide and there right outside my door I see a sheep. I’ve never opened my door to a sheep before, surprisingly. I finally mustarded up enough energy to get out of bed at 11:45 and I got ready and headed outside. I sat under a tiny tree enough shade to just cover my legs and I stared out into the valley in awe of God. I thanked him for this beautiful land I get to call home for one month.
As I started to journal to God I was just listening to all the sounds he provided for me. I was hearing gusts of wind loud and proud whirling around the trees making the leaves graze against each other and I could hear grasshoppers flying around and donkeys braying. I was thankful for no city sounds of cars honking and flying by and people yelling and the faint smell of pollution. I smelled the fresh air provided by trees and grass and I have never felt more alive.
As I was in this moment with God I was hearing the word obedience. My word for the year has become obedience. I’ve decided that I want this year to be a year that creates a lifetime of obedience to God in every circumstance. It means I will live in the fullness of God and choose to listen to him even when it’s hard and even when I am afraid. I want to be obedient simply because of Gods faithfulness to me and his love for me. I want this year to be fully based around the Fathers love for me and nothing else. His love is what gets me through everything so why would I not be obedient to him.
After this decision with God I happily hung up my hammock and just basked in the beauty of the Lord. I read some of my bible and continued to be distracted by this view. This view is incredible. This view is love from God. He loves to remind me of his beauty in nature. I love that I got to spend a full day enjoying his scenery. I then got to chat with some of my friends and just enjoy the joy of the Lord together. Then I got to take a nice nap in my hammock which of course i was grateful for.
This afternoon I then started walking the local store with David. Him and I looked at the sky and knew it was going to rain. The sky wasn’t dark though. It was beautiful. It was orange and yellow with a few darker clouds but we were ready to walk. We got about halfway there and it of course started to rain. We finally got inside and it started to pour. We got to sit inside for about seven minutes and got to chat with a few locals. We bought some suckers and the rain finally cleared up so we made a run for it. I felt like such a kid running in the light rain with a sucker in my mouth. I felt free running in the reddish orange sand of Africa. David and I then stopped to take some incredible photos of the rainbow and the clouds. God gave us the reminder of his promise. His reminder that he has a covenant with us.
We got back and I jumped in my hammock and watched as lightening struck the horizon. Yet again more beauty of Gods creation. These views were just unreal. I am in love with God and how he paints a beautiful sky every night. I feel nothing but blessed to be among the 15 tribes of Malealea Valley and I am excited to know more and more about this beautiful place.
I will rarely have WiFi this month if at all so I wanted to give you all an update on my first day here. I’m in love to say the least and I am not sure I am going to want to leave at the end of this month.
I hope you all have an incredible start to the year of 2020. Allow God to show you what this year is all about. Blessings to you all!