Fun fact about me: I love researching the heck out of things especially when it comes to something I am going to buy, invest in, or experience. I want to make sure my money -His money- is not wasted on something fruitless that won’t last. 

All the gear I have gotten….looking up reviews, racer packing lists, ratings, prices, weight, quality, etc. CUZ IT GOTTA LAST! 

Then there is a whole other side of this trip that I’m researching: racer stories and experiences. Therefore comes a lot of blog reading, vlog watching and texting people about the Race. I WANNA SEE WHAT WILL HAPPEN! One common theme I have found and God has shown me: He is ALWAYS moving BUT you have to decide to see it and let Him open your eyes so that you can see His glory, His gifts, His movement everywhere. 

This morning I woke up to it being a very windy, chilly day out in the midwest. I love hearing the wind move, see it move gently and powerfully through the green grass and sway the trees. Then Abba got me thinking how similar He is to the wind. The wind always blows, but you can’t see it. You just see the evidence of the wind, feel it blow your hair, and move everything exactly where it wishes when it wishes. Abba is like the wind. If your eye is in tune with Him, you can see Him touch everything constantly. You may not be able to see Him physically, but He is there, always. 

As the preparation journey edges closer and closer to training camp and then launch, excitement is growing! Excitement to meet my teammates, my world race fam, experience God in new ways, grow as His daughter, face the challenges and benefits of living in community, so many things to come! 

I don’t watch many movies in this season of life, but when I did, Pride and Prejudice -Kiera Knightley version- was one of my go-to’s mainly due to the music, artistic scenery, and cultural elements. Lizzie likes to prejudge people unfortunately, and I have, in the past, had that issue as well and am working on fixing that issue.

As I get closer to training camp, I really don’t want to prejudge what my teammates will be like, what living conditions are going to be, know every scenario we might be going through-airport layover, stollen baggage, etc. I want to be in the moment, soak it all in, learn as much as I can, and be open and flexible. I want God to move me like the wind, moving me wherever He wishes in whatever way, breaking me if necessary so that I may be pliable to His will and voice and not my own. 

Therefore, I am working away from un-becoming the Lizzie Bennett personality as best as I can. 

Here I go, ready or not, ready for Him, to see Him, to know Him more…two weeks until training camp!