Hey I am Sam Osuna, and this is one way you can stay connected with me through my journey next year. Next September I will be going on something called the World Race Gap Year. I will be going to Thailand for three months, India for three months, and Guatemala for three months to live as a modern day disciple, spreading and teaching the gospel.
I had always wanted to go on an overseas mission trip and one day an ad popped up for The World Race. At this exact time my geography class was learning about India and Thailand, and every time I went to church they happened to be talking about discipleship. Then my bible study for that week happened to be about missions. At this time I also had read a book my friend gave me, this book talked about how spoiled we are in the United States, and how other parts of the world cant be ignored. I then realized the most important thing I could do with my life is to go. I prayed about this decision and then I finally decided to go.
I will be taking a huge leap of faith from everything I have ever known while going on this trip. I will be away from my home for 9 months and I will be on the other side of the world away from all my friends and family. I will also be putting my college education on hold. This is a huge decision and I know I have chosen correctly, I have been called upon, and I will go. I need your help!! I have to raise $16,600 for this trip. You can donate through this website, but there will soon be more ways that you can donate. Just stay tuned!! THANKS!!!!