Hello Friends and Family! 

Today is my 27th birthday! And this is my LAST WEEK of being on the World Race. My squadmates, 28 friends, are about to begin a week of debrief to process and celebrate these 11 months!  

The Lord is the master Potter and I’ve asked him to continue molding my life like clay. He has used the World Race as a tool to continue shaping and forming my life. Isaiah 64:8 But now, O Lord, You are our Father, We are the clay, and You our potter; And all of us are the work of Your hand.

All of these ABC memories have deeper stories or revelations of God’s goodness in my life. I’m glad to meet and share more of these stories with you when I return home! 

A | Abandonment — Abandonment, Brokenness, and Dependency are rhythms the World Race consistently sees people journey through during the year. I remember back to the beginning of the year feeling lost and greatly missing what I had left at home.  

B | Brokenness — Through times of brokenness, I continued to pray and read the Bible. I realized I am seen and loved by God. She gave this name to the LORD who spoke to her: “You are the God who sees me,” for she said, “I have now seen the One who sees me.” Genesis 16:13

C | Confidence in Christ — My head is lifted high because I know my identity is firmly rooted in how God sees me. I am His beloved daughter, marked by radical love, obedience, generosity, and forgiveness. The strength to be steadfast only comes from God. 

D | Dependency — Out of brokenness we develop dependency on Christ. When the days feel long or overwhelming, Jesus is my strength and my song! The Lord is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. Psalm 118:14

E | Effective Communication — of the Gospel and with my Team! Communication can be hard when growing with a team full of different communication styles and personalities. I have greater patience and intentionality in my conversations with people now! 

F | Followship — Follow me as I follow Christ. 1 Corinthians 11:1 Before coming on the World Race, I hadn’t often been in followship roles. I had my own business, volunteered for leadership roles, and often said “YES” to pilot or start up programs. Learning how to follow, and how I want to support future teammates has been one of the greatest lessons from this year. I’m grateful for this time and growth! 

G | Gifts of the Holy Spirit — Through intimacy with God, and operating in obedience to Holy Spirit’s leading, Holy Spirit is delighted to work through us! Take a look at this blog for a more in depth look at how Holy Spirit has been MOVING this year! 

H | Healing — Sometimes healing happens miraculously! Other times God gives us comfort during the natural healing process he designed for our bodies. I experienced and saw so many healings this year!

I | Illness — My body recently went through an array of sicknesses with COVID, a sinus infection, then an unruly stomach. {Yes, I ate the chicken liver with my local friends sitting by the side of the road. Oops! But we had great conversations.} I have learned to rely on God more during times of illness. He provided the healing, strength, and rest I needed even when it felt like the sickness continued. 

J | Just Enough — Learning to live and be grateful for the Just Enough. My backpack has 5 shirts, 2 pants, and a long skirt. In these last few weeks we have just enough shampoo and toothpaste to finish the trip. Knowing that we will have just enough for each day has given me joy, because Jesus is more than enough.

K | Kingdom Mindset — Where my eyes are focused is where I will go! My focused has changed to bring peace, God’s mercy, and truth wherever I go.  But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6:33 

L | Life is Ministry, Ministry is Life — Another World Race catch phrase! Choosing to love and serve is not only designated for “ministry hours.” My whole life is available and looking for an opportunity to come alongside people, be loving, and share about the hope that I have. But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, 1 Peter 3:15   

M | Mercy — Mercy is compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one’s power to punish or harm. I have a new perspective and calling to share mercy on people I meet, my team, my family, and myself. The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23

N | New Friends — I’ve had in depth conversations with everyone on my squad of 28 people. These sweet friendships have spoken truth and encouragement into my life. God used them to change my life! I am excited for future adventures, conversations, and travels together!

O | Obedience — The World Race has changed how I pray for people who are living and working as full time missionaries. Opportunities and obedience to share or do when Holy Spirit prompts. 

P | Processing — Taking time and space to remember and process life is valuable! I’m excited to bring home a new rhythm of processing and taking time to remember the good, hard, exciting, and sad moments from the week.

Q | Quality — There is a massive difference in quality between a $2.00 toothbrush and a $0.25 toothbrush. I want to be a $2.00 toothbrush type of person to my family and friends. 

R | Reading — I asked the Lord to help me grow in loving the Bible again. He has! I’ve read through the Old Testament in the last 2 months and I’m excited to continue studying more when I return home! You are good and do good; teach me your statutes. Psalm 119:68 Oh, how I love your law! I meditate on it all day long. Psalm 119:97

S | Sabbath — Sabbath is choosing to rest and enjoy time with the Lord and community. When God first told the Israelites to rest, after leaving Egypt, he had to train them to trust Him for provision and rest. The World Race requires more daily physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual energy then most people’s “normal” days on the race. Weekly setting aside a day to rest and reconnect with Jesus has been needed and fantastic! 

T | Travel Days — I feel confident with international travel now! Who wants to go on an adventure together!?!?!

U | Understanding — Understanding that I don’t and won’t fully understand God or people. But I want to keep listening, asking questions, and seeking understanding.  

V | Vision — The World Race has helped give me a vision of how I want to live in the United States or how to move and plant roots in another country. 

W | Warfare Prayer — Christians can pray with confidence that God hears! Check out this blog for a more in depth story on Warfare Prayer!

X | Xenomania {an extreme passion for foreign things, customs, or people} My heart is tender and passionate after meeting so many people this year. I’m excited to continue traveling, meeting new friends, and sharing our hope. I am planning to return to this area of the world in the Spring.   

Y | YES! — I have a new YES! in my spirit! Go talk to that person? YES! Try the chicken liver? YES! Pray for someone and believe God’s glory will be revealed? YES! 

Z | Zero — God is continuing to bring my people pleasing to Zero! This year has also ZOOMED by so quickly! 

I will be coming home to Washington State on November 20th! I’m so excited to see everyone, give HUGS, rest, and strengthen my body. The World Race was a wonderful experience, but it wasn’t the pinnacle of my walk with the Lord. We will have to eternity and beyond!




Prayer Requests:

  • Peace and comfort for my family as we gather and remember my great grandma Lila. She passed away suddenly in October. I was preparing to go home for a visit with family. The Covid test I needed for the flight showed I had Covid! My family will be gathering together on Thanksgiving weekend to be together and remember GG.  
  • For myself and friends to continue focusing on God and loving our family when we return. This has been a wonderfully challenging year! We are returning home and have heard how overwhelming the United States can be after leaving the World Race Bubble.