If you’ve supported me in any way- through prayer, financially, donating items, subscribing to my blog, sharing my updates, or just asking about my trip and my preparations- THANK YOU!

Dear Friends and Family, 

Thank you! 

I am astounded by the quick generosity and out pouring of love during these months of preparation. You are my tribe. You are my connections and support network. You are the prayer warriors and intentional encouragers I need in life. I am so grateful for YOUR excitement, enthusiasm, and energy as I’ve shared about this trip.    

Thank you for coming alongside on the hard days of preparing. Days when I question if leaving for nearly a year is the best decision. Days when I struggle to find the energy to keep training or battle fears of leaving. God has used your encouraging comments, messages, FB likes, and conversations to refill my cup of joy!

Thank you for your financial investment. Whether you donated $1 or $2,000 I am grateful for your support! Thank you for allowing me to say “YES” and follow God’s leading for these next 11 months. I appreciate your quickness to say yes and find room in your budget! I know it is a sacrifice to give. The willingness of your generosity has been incredible! Thank you for your gifts and donations.  

Please continue to pray! Carolyn Foster, a pastor at New Life Church in Everett, shared that there is “no expiration date on prayer.”
Please pray for my team as imperfect people learn to work and live together in perfect unity. Pray for cohesiveness in honest community; that we would be quick to forgive and uphold each other  
Pray for safety: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
Pray for the people we will meet. Pray that everyone we come in contact with, taxi drivers, airplane stewards, host families, children, leaders of the community, etc., will be blessed by our presence. I believe that God is already preparing the way for us to be a light and encouragement to these nations.    

These words only capture a piece of my heart. But I am so grateful for you.

Thank you!

Love and Hugs,


I leave June 3, 2019!

Open House Invitation: I would love to say THANK YOU in person! Sunday, May 19th 1:00-5:00pm. You are invited to stop by! http://evite.me/3ZP3nMsED8 

Update on My Grandma Linda: Her biopsy went well and she was able to come home on Friday, May 10th! She will find out the test results, if she has lung cancer, at a doctor’s appointment on Tuesday, May 21st. Please continue keeping my family in your hearts and prayers! For more information please read this blog: 012 Double Fisted Faith

Fundraising Update: I am almost there! Two ways to give financial support!

1. World Race Costs: The overall cost for this trip is $19,200! With support and sponsorships coming in I am only $2,700 away from being fully funded! My final deadline for this amount is September 15, 2019. The easiest way to help me reach my final goal is by donating through my blog: www.rachelannpreston.theworldrace.org Then click the ORANGE donate button! Adventures In Missions / World Race is a tax-deductible organization. A generous organization committed to giving the final $3,000! My bar graph only needs to show $16,200 then I will be fully funded!

2. Additional Expenses: Any monetary gifts you give directly to me will go towards supplies, immunizations, and air fare!   

Supplies: $1,000 I am still purchasing supplies! If you have an REI membership I would also be grateful if you would purchase an item for my trip at their upcoming sale! Please contact me to see what I still need!

Immunizations: $2,000 Shots are expensive!

Air fare: $1,600 there are four flights I will need to purchase tickets independently. Going to training camp, coming back home after the Race, to and from a final training session after the World Race.

Living Expenses: $1,100 The World Race recommends $100-$200 per month in living expenses. This covers: toiletries, extra food, clothing needed for specific countries (more modest, culture specific, winter coats, new shoes), gifts for hosts, and prepayment for doctor visits prior to insurance reimbursement. Thank you to friends who have already committed to giving $20 a month!