Hello Family and Friends! 

I have exciting news to share with you! Next year I will be going on The World Race! Here are the top 11 questions I’ve been asked so far! 

1. What is the World Race? The World Race is a ministry and discipleship program through Adventures in Missions. The hashtag is #11n11. There are many fun Instagram, FB, and Youtube stories! The program is set up to send 40-50 people ages 21-30 to 11 different countries in 11 months. Each squad (40-50 people) enters the country then divides into teams of 6-8 people to work with established partners by providing humanitarian aid and sharing the love of Jesus! I will be leaving June 4, 2019 for training in Georgia then returning to the states on April 29, 2020. 

2. What 11 countries will you be traveling to? June 2019 – Guatemala, July 2019 – Nicaragua, August 2019 – Costa Rica, September 2019 – Morocco, October 2019 – Ethiopia, November 2019 – Djibouti, December 2019 – India, January 2020 – Nepal, February 2020 – Myanmar (Burma), March 2020 – Thailand, April 2020 – Indonesia! We will be spending 3-4 weeks in each country.   

3. What will you be doing? Each day could look different! During the 11 months my team and I will be partnering with local ministries and humanitarian groups. Our days may be filled with teaching English, praying and preaching, visiting refugees and helping them find resources, assisting in natural disaster relief, and supporting local groups however needed! I also hope to visit many international Rotary and Rotaract clubs! The week is divided into 5 days of community partnership and ministry, 1 day of rest, and 1 adventure day for exploration.  

4. How did you come to the decision to go? Wow! This is a story of God’s goodness and loving grace. I’m happy to chat more and this will have a future post. I looked into the World Race during college but it wasn’t the right time. The last 2 years God has been radically pursuing my heart and increasing my faith, trust, and hope. Even through tough seasons of mourning I have learned that the Lord is my strength, peace, shelter, and joy! I’m excited to continue growing with God through this time of preparation and year on the World Race.     

Marriage, Mortgage, and Motherhood — Any of these M’s will dramatically begin a new season in my life!  Before I enter Marriage, sign a Mortgage, or embark on Motherhood by birthing or adopting kids, I am committed to living this season fully. Now is the season that I can give my full time and resources to God’s Kingdom work!   

5. What does your family say? Well… There were mixed reactions. But my parents, siblings, grandparents, and family are supportive! I had talked about traveling before but sending in the application and committing was a big step. We have talked a lot, asked the World Race staff many questions, and decided to enjoy this year together! I love my family and leaving for a year will be tough. 

6. What about your business? I opened my music business in 2008 at the age of 13. With 10 years in business I have great relationships with the community, work with amazing people, and LOVE my piano students! My work has certainly felt more like a JOY than a JOB. In April before I leave I will be transitioning ~50 piano students to new teachers. All of the piano families have been so kind! Deciding to step away from an established, financially successful business was a long process. I took many baby steps towards trusting God with my career!     

7. How will you be traveling? World Race staff arrange all international transportation! Everything I travel with will need to fit inside a large back pack (YAY! Backpacking!). Tents and camping gear will also be included in my pack because often we will be camping. Other times we will be staying in hostels, World Race base locations, rented homes, or with local families. I have started many squats, endurance, and physical preparations to carry a ~50-60 pound pack. My doctor said to train like an ant by focusing on thighs, glutes, core, and endurance running! 

8. Wow you are so brave! I couldn’t do that. Aren’t you scared? Yes. God has been bringing more peace but I still have many excited butterflies!   
God increases braveness! If God has been talking to your heart about missions and travel you could also go! 

9. Is it safe? Yes! Probably. In the ~13 years the World Race has been sending squads there have been no counts of kidnapping, rape, or death (I checked!). Sickness and traveling challenges are a part of the trip. The organization works to monitor the health, political, and environmental security of each country. There is a safety protocol video that helps explain more of the safety and risk management. https://adventures.wistia.com/medias/kn830wkfo4    

10. How can I support you? How much does it cost? $19,200 covers all training, international travel, housing, ministry work, basic international health insurance, and basic food expenses. I will be working and saving another 9K-10K for gear, immunizations, medicine, medical emergency expenses while on the field, extra allergen friendly food, and personal hygiene / living necessities while on the trip. 
I am grateful for your prayer, conversation, and financial support! If you are able to give financially towards the trip please click the Donate! button at the top of the page! All gifts made through Adventures in Missions for the World Race are tax deductible.      

11. How can I stay connected during your travels? This blog will be the priority for updates during traveling! Please click the Subscribe for Updates! button under my picture if you would like to receive alerts for new blog posts! I also plan to vlog (video blog) and write blog posts specifically for elementary readers! 

Thank you for reading this looong post! I am excited to share this journey with you!