Well, it’s been a bit since I have been on here, but for a while, I felt like I had nothing to write about. But it was interesting this last week I have had some time to just remember God and His goodness. I went for a drive the other day and really pondered how important Christmas really is. And I know I always knew the “true meaning” of this time of year, however, I’ve also always known what Easter truly means as well. This last year has been quite the adventure chasing after God and learning who He truly is and this last Easter was the best ever simply getting to celebrate Christ’s love for us. This year for Christmas, I was looking for it to just hit me where I understood something about God I hadn’t known, or believed. And It didn’t happen the way I had expected… So, anyways, I’m driving and just thinking about this upcoming missions trip, and how crazy it is that this time last year I was fighting God, and here I am one year later following someone I had claimed I didn’t believe in to a whole other country! Just seeing the growth was enough to take my breath away. But when I looked closer at where I was this same time last year, I was not at all the same person. This same time last year I struggled with self worth, confidence, and dealt with thoughts of suicide. The worst part was, my life was never all that bad. My only issue was that I was separated from God. And separation from God creates tons of issues. I lived my life with zero purpose. I was going to school to work with horses and children to teach them something that didn’t matter to me but the biggest thing I found was that I was so focused on self. That little word that creates so much pain and depression that I was willing to end it all, all because I “didn’t feel like it”.  Yet, as I look at Christmas this year with a new mindset, I not only see a King who was born in humble circumstance, but I see my best friend, who loved me so much that He died on the cross for MY SIN. While I truly am blessed that the maker of Heaven chose death, I no longer believe He only chose death. I truly feel that Jesus chose LIFE and I love that!! Christ lived to be 33 and knew of all the terrible things that happened on earth. He could’ve just said, “nah God, these people aren’t worth it.” And He could’ve chosen not to die on that cross. But instead He CHOSE LIFE. Our life! How crazy is that to know you were chosen? You weren’t a mistake, but the creator of everything carefully designed you with a purpose in mind. So, with the holidays coming up, my encouragement to you, is to remember Him. Don’t go through the stress and headache all December and stop by church on Christmas Eve. Take time out of your daily life to talk to Him, and remember where you were before you knew Him. Take the time this year, to live as Jesus did. Choose to love others. Choose to serve God. Choose to live with purpose.