Alright. This week is just incredible.. Before I even said yes to this trip, I had people already wanting to support me financially. It was in those times that God was really speaking to me.. “do you trust me?” My immediate answer is always yes, but how many times do I actually mean it? I find it funny how every time I do a presentation for this trip or talk to anyone, they always say how God is going to provide at the last minute possible.. Im not here to criticize anyone who has said that, because yes, that has happened in the past where I know this is where the Lord is leading, but He with holds all the means of doing so until the last minute. But it’s been really cool to see how He isn’t doing that this time.. He’s been right here by my side through it all and I can’t express how truly blessed I am from His provision. By the end of this month I am supposed to be 50% funded for this trip, and since I missed the last week of work, I got slightly worried when I realized how fast this trip is coming up. So here I am watching all these fundraising videos, talking to my team, and spending the rest of my time in prayer, and then, I received a phone call from my pastor(aka my dad). He said that people at the prayer meeting that morning gave almost $600! I was blown away by this fact and that day I asked how much I had raised from the church and all that. When it was all said and done, I had $3465.00 raised! And thats not including my 20% I already had… That means I am now OVER my 50% mark in fundraising and I am so so so incredibly thankful for that. So to all of you reading this… THANK YOU!!! I really do appreciate all the support and prayers and love everyone has been giving me these past few months.  What an amazing Father we have, who provides for us even in the perishable things of life. This amazing love He has for me I could never truly repay. But I can start, with giving Him my whole heart.