These past two months our squad has been doing a ministry style affectionately called Ask the Lord. So instead of having a host, ministry, and lodging set up for us, we have to find those things on our own through lots of prayer and research. As a name of ministry, it can sound more mysterious than it really is. It’s really just a catchy way of saying “to include God in your decisions”. And not just include him in the asking, but actually waiting on the answer.
It’s funny to me this used to be such a foreign concept, even as a Christian. Sure, I prayed and asked God to change things in my life, or thanked him for the good things, but prayer as a lifestyle was never part of my vocabulary. I really wrestled with the idea that prayer would actually change anything. I understood it built a relationship with God, but I didn’t know how it could really change my circumstances. I mean God already knows everything that will happen right? So what effect does prayer really have?
Then, 3 years ago, I was introduced to this thing called ATL, Ask the Lord. I was in month four of my first race and instead of having a host, or ministry planned out, we prayed about where to stay and what God wanted us to do for the month. It was a little bumpy at first. Getting used to this praying thing and hearing God’s voice was awkward, initially. It was not just a one-and-done situation but I actually had to practice it, and like any new thing, it did not go perfectly. I mean how do I really know that it’s God’s voice and not just my own? How do I know God is giving me a picture of a little girl with pigtails and a pink shirt, and it’s not just something I thought of on my own?
Honestly, great question.
Applying ATL to Your Life
This is where practice, community, and the Bible all come into play. God is never going to say anything to you that contradicts His character. He can’t. So the best way to start learning if God is talking to you is to actually learn about who He is, in His living word, the bible. Learn what His voice sounds like by learning how he talks to His children all throughout the bible. Use examples from the past to test what you are hearing now. It may not be word for word, as you are your own person, but it will align with His character.
Next, surround yourself with people who you know hear God’s voice, and ask them to pray into things with you! We are designed not only for community but a community that builds you up and encourages you to look more like Christ. If the people around you are praying and hearing the same things as you, there is a good chance it is coming from the Lord. Especially with things that maybe don’t line up directly with the word. For example, getting a picture of a little girl with pigtails and a pink shirt. That may not be word for word in the bible, but maybe it is a little girl you are about to meet that day that God wants you to pray for or bless, or maybe it is a word for someone else that is an answer to their prayer. Maybe it will lead you to the next step with which God is waiting to answer your own prayer. When we involve our community they may also get a picture that lines up with yours, or they may just be able to offer more wisdom and help guide you as you learn to hear His voice.
Lastly, practice! I started with small, simple ways in my life. Maybe you aren’t called to sell all your possessions and move across the world, but we are all called to love those around us just where we are. Take five minutes out of your day to ask the Lord who he wants you to bless each day. Maybe you will get your answer right then, or maybe you will hear it while you are walking down the street and he points your attention to someone or something. I have countless stories of doing this with the Lord even in the states. Sometimes it is as simple as picking up trash I see in the road, or putting an extra quarter in someone’s parking meter. Sometimes it takes more courage and time out of my day like praying over homeless people in the streets. My favorite thing to ask God is how He sees someone specific. I usually end up in tears because I am so overwhelmed with love for that person, and I know that is just a fraction of what He actually feels for them. It sure makes it hard for me to be angry or annoyed at that person when I see them through the eyes of their Father.
Whatever it is, when we keep our eyes and ears open to how God is moving around us, we are sharing the Good News and inviting people into His love! It is not just for the missionaries or for the pastors, this is the life we are all called to as believers.
Trust me, the more you involve God in your everyday life, the more joy YOU will experience. You will be surprised how simple acts make the biggest changes in your heart. It is not the big yeses that make the big differences, but actually all of the little ones in between.
So… who does God want you to bless today?
*I am still fundraising and in need of $3,350 to complete this trip! Please help me finish out this beautiful season of leading by being fully funded! If you would like to donate, you can hit that big orange button at the top or venmo me @jordan329. Thank you for all your support, I truly could not do this without my amazing community back home!!