Some of the most important people in my life are my beautiful parents. As many of you already know, I spent my last few days with them before I embarked on this amazing journey. I remember the first time I brought up becoming a missionary to them; we had met at a restaurant to have dinner together. Prior to this day, I had no intentions of going on the missions field or have ever heard any information about any organization. As soon as I sat down I knew it was going to be the kind of dinner where they ask me about my future and what I wanted to do with my life. Sure enough, they did. So like every bratty teenaged girl I rolled my eyes and told they I had no idea. So my dad did one of the big sighs and went on one of his papa Darrin rants about how I need to figure it out because the clock is ticking. So I’m sitting there somewhat listening (sorry Dad) and my mind started to wonder about going onto the mission field. After being so tired of listening I blurted out ”I’m going to be a missionary”. Then my parents looked up from their food and exchanged one of those famous looks like she has lost her marbles. And now here I am sitting on a plane on my way to Thailand.

Mom: I pray for you mom that the Lord will provide you with a bold spirit to serve him in the next nine months. Thank you for always coming home with a kind spirit, for teaching me how to grocery shop and meal prep every Sunday, for that awkward jolt dance move when your favorite song comes on, for giving me grace when I’m not the kindest, for teaching me what it is like to be a godly woman everyday, for always trying to plan extravagant family outings that always somehow turn into eating ice cream in the car, for cooking Saint Patricks Day rice, for 18 years toilet papering my room on my birthday, for holding me when I’m down, rejoicing with me in all the good things God has done for me, for supporting my crazy decisions, but most of all thank you for just being you. Please remember when I get that awful cold or am having a hard day on the field that I am in the hands of a father.

Dad: I pray for you Dad that you cling to Him in the good times and bad. ”When my heart is overwhelmed, led me to the rock that is higher than I.”-Psalm 61:2 I know that our goodbye was brief and stressful, but know there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t pray for you. Thank you for always providing and teaching me to be strong. For always checking on me when I come home crying from a hard day. Know that I am going to miss teasing you and trying to make you laugh, but I’m so grateful for the time we got to spend together.

Thank you both so much for everything you do and I can’t wait to tell you all my crazy stories when I get home. I love you so much!