Lately, I’ve been really missing home, my family, and my close friends. I’ve also found myself missing this past season of my life on the world race. Like, I find myself experiencing pain in my heart due to the love I have for N Squad (the people I traveled the world with). It’s not a bad pain nor am I missing them in an unhealthy way, but in a really genuine, “I just miss my people a lot sort of way.” 

Anyway, what has helped me process and grieve this past season of life has been going through video clips of my time with N Squad. So, I decided to compile some of my favorites, write a script, and express my gratitude through this video. 

I’m also going to include the script here in my blog. My purpose is to walk in this new season at my best while also memorializing this past year which changed my life forever and for the better. 

So without further adieu, here’s my thank you to N Squad…



How do you say thank you to people who have changed your life? 

People you’ve traveled the world with? 

People with whom you share countless memories of crowded buses, train rides, adrenaline rushes, coffee dates, shwarma runs, English classes, dance parties, jungle adventures… so many memories I can’t possibly list them all. 


How do you communicate gratitude to those people? 

How do you express yourself when the feelings you have seem to be too rich, too deep, too complex for words. 

Like, you can spend all night (as I did) writing a script… organizing words, playing a kind of literary Tetris attempting to say just the right thing that will make other people understand how you feel about an amazing group of individuals


But no matter how hard you try, words just don’t seem to be enough. 

Words fail 


No creative combination of words seem to adequately describe the emotions that well up in my soul when I close my eyes and relive a memory from Ecuador, India, or Romania

I can’t “make” you understand the fullness of what I experienced this past year


But thankfully, there are 25 others who do understand

They understand, because they were there. 

They walked alongside me in the streets of Colombia 

They experienced what I experienced in Nepal 

They saw, smelled, touched, tasted, heard, and felt what I did along the way

They sat through the church services, lifted their hands in worship, experimented with the street food, saw intense poverty and experienced the same brokenheartedness deep within. They walked hundreds of miles on the Camino, left their families for just under a year, stumbled through language barriers and poured out their hearts to people just like I did. My sacrifice was their sacrifice, and their’s, mine. 


These are the people I don’t have to explain it to. 

I don’t have to whip out my phone to show them pictures or videos to give them a mental reference to work off of. 

They just… know. 

And these are the people where “thank you” just doesn’t seem to cut it. 


…Then again, they probably don’t need a thank you. 

Because they understand. 

They understand the depth of emotion, the confusion of transition, and the insufficiency of words to describe what they experienced. 

They understand… well, they understand me. 

And I understand them. 

Because we’re friends

We’re community. 

We’re N Squad


So N Squad

Though it feels wildly inadequate 

Thank You 

Thank you for being the chickens you are

Thank you for the laughs

The celebrations 

The hunger for more…

More adventure

More conversation 

More excellence

More justice 

More effectiveness

More of Holy Spirit 

and more of each other 


Thank you for teaching me God cannot fit in a box

That love knows no limits 

That every human is worthy of being seen, heard, valued, and cherished. 

That relationships should be fought for 

That there are people within the body of Christ who are FOR one another

and that community has the potential of being one of the sweetest tastes of heaven on earth 

N Squad,

Let us not forget who we are

Let us not wander from the identity God has activated within us

For we are New men and women

We are His beloved 

We are 


Thank you N squad… for everything