This is a short and sweet blog (:


In the last 11 months, I’ve had a thought every so often:

”Man I really want an apple!” 

Now. I like apples but I don’t really crave them often.


So like any normal human I go to the grocery store and buy an apple, right?

It’s happened probably 7 times.

I never get to eat the apples lol 


Curiously enough, when I leave the store or little fruit stand with my apple(s) there is either someone on the street needing food or one of my teammates needs extra food at a later moment.

”Give them the apple(s)”

I’m prompted by that familiar feeling/voice/notion.

Faithfully, I hand them over and every time I laugh. Because every time I forget about the time before when I last bought an apple.


Worry not, for when I DO eat apples, it’s because I am the one who didn’t buy enough food for a travel day or pack accordingly or it’s a gift from a local. So my cravings are satisfied.


This is just another little reminder from God, a slight comfort in this upcoming fundraising season, and a little better understanding about His resources – God will bless us in order to bless others. He will provide a way, He will prompt something so small as a craving for an apple in order to provide for His children.


Honestly I think it’s cute and kind of hope this happens for the rest of my life hahahaha If that’s not proof of relationship and fun I’m not sure what is.

I’ll be the crazy apple lady.


Maybe check and see if you bought any “apples” or were given some knowledge that He wants you to hand over to someone else? Could be FRUITFUL lol (yikes) 


Alright love you people.

God is good.



Currently we’re at $20/$5,500 for this next round with the race!! Chat with me if you’re interested in partnering financially or you can donate using the button at the top of my page (: