Hello to all of Vickie’s blog subscribers!

My name is Sharon, I am on Vickie’s squad and I am so excited to meet Vickie in person soon!


I received my World Race acceptance call the first week of January this year. Shortly after that I was connected with my squad on GroupMe texting. One of my prayers going into this World Race journey was to be connected to people around my age who are passionate about Jesus as well. After just 1 week of chatting with the squad, let me tell you, God already answered my prayer before I even prayed it. Although I have a church home of my own, my father’s church that I’ve been attending since before I was born, and have a great spiritual family, I always wanted to expand that and be in community with others while living out my faith in a tangible way. So, this World Race journey is multiple answers to many prayers. Vickie is one of them!


I felt the call to go on the World Race years ago, but it wasn’t until last year after a mission trip to Guatemala that I had the courage to apply. After fundraising, my main reason for putting off applying was because I was afraid of how I would mesh with the people I would travel with. I can honestly say that now having talked with a few squadmates on the phone and watching the texting between everyone, it is no longer a fear of mine. Everyone is passionate about Jesus and that’s all we need. Vickie was the first one I talked with on the phone and she put my fears to rest right away. She is one of the most genuine, passionate, loving people I’ve had the pleasure of talking to. One text, one phone call from Vickie, and you know what I mean.


I cannot wait to see how all our squad’s journey plays out this year and next. We are all called to this moment in history together to be Jesus’ hands and feet to bring hope and love to the nations. Please consider supporting this mission. If you have not already, please prayerfully make a one-time or monthly donation to support Vickie’s World Race journey by clicking the donate button above.


In courageous faith and for His glory alone,

Sharon Mosley