Trust. It’s a hard concept for me and millions. Merriam Webster defines trust as: firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something. As the video points out, we often use conditional trust….a sort of bargaining trust. God, if you do A, THEN I will do B. We need to get back to the real trust—the FIRM BELIEF in the STRENGTH/ABILITY of God.
When I saw this video while counseling at youth camp, I had to take a step back for a bit. Take some time to analyze your life too. Do you find yourself fully giving yourself up to God? OR, are you still holding on to small even large “stuff” that you don’t ‘feel’ God can handle? If that is the case, you aren’t really trusting God. I’ve been reading a book called Kingdom Journeys by the founder of Adventures in Missions. It talks a lot about abandonment and brokenness; two of the major scenarios I will be going through that ultimately lead to dependence or TRUST. And I’m not talking about conditional trust. Full blown trust. Life will no longer be working the way it used to (social connections, possessions, technology, etc ) and I can no longer be self-sufficient-I have to depend upon God (p.62).
This has already been a huge process for me and will continue to grow when I am on the field. I like to be independent, or you could say self-sufficient. I can be very stubborn to ask for help at times. In another book I am reading ((Un)qualified) for a Bible study I’m doing with some friends, it also talks about self-sufficiency. The day we take God’s name or in other terms accept him as our Lord and Savior we are intertwined with God. He is giving us HIS identity, HIS sufficiency, and HIS qualifications. When we abandon our possessions, the things we hold dear (family, friends, jobs, homes, pets, material possessions), it creates a brokenness only God can fulfill.
The first huge step of dependence of God for me for this whole journey was asking for donations. My biggest fear with the whole World Race—I think one of the reasons I held off for so long –was because of the cost. If you’ve read my previous blogs, I mentioned that I HATE asking others for money. However, I sent out support letters to over 120 different people I have had some interaction with in life—some close friends and family, some people that I rarely talk to, and some people I have met say at the gym. I had to abandon my pride and ASK for help. The support has been overwhelming! I am now 85% funded, with less than $2,700 to raise, with 9 months to raise it! (THANK YOU EVERYONE!!) One hurdle jumped—more to go! (Gear and packing is a whole other story 😉 …and that’s not even life on the field yet!)
Today, I challenge you. Take a look at your life. Who or what do you put your trust in? Will that person or thing be able to sustain you? Where do you put your identity and value? Say goodbye to the conditional trust and trust God even when you do not understand…through the brokenness…and through HIS PLANS.
If you don’t know Christ as your Lord and Savior, and want to know more—reach out to me! I’d love to share more about who I share my identity with! Remember, YOU are VALUABLE and LOVED. <3
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6