The acceptance call I received started something like this… “You’ve been accepted to the World Race, but there is a stipulation.  And if you don’t accept this stipulation, you are choosing to not go on the World Race.”  My heart sank… What did I say in my interview that has put me in jeopardy of going on this trip?!?  With further talk I found out the “stipulation” was a having a mentor that I have to meet with regularly before launching in 2019.  They asked, “Can you do this?”  Of course my response was, “yes.”  I’ve been waiting to do this trip for a few years!

After hanging up, I was hurt, angry, and frustrated.  Many of you reading this know that I lost my dad in 2008.  It was a traumatic experience for a 17 year old, and they felt that I needed to continue to “unpack” this with a mentor.  It’s been almost 10 years though…and I was a little hurt by the “stipulation.”

I began thinking of who I could meet with every other week until January 2019…this was NOT going to stop me from doing this mission trip.  I was worried, anxious, and full of all sorts of emotions. Not only did they require this mentor time to unpack feelings revolving my dad, but the time was also required to challenge me in all sorts of ways.  Luckily, there was one person that came to mind, and he accepted my plea!  Although at first I had all these negative emotions, it’s been an amazing experience.   

The 1:1 time is definitely challenging me and helping me grow in God so I can be the best that I can be out on the mission field.  🙂  God knows what’s best for you, even when you think you have it covered.  Trust in HIM!  Pray!  His plan will be revealed. 
“For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength.” 1 Corinthians 1:25