Some of you reading this are probably thinking “It’s about time!” I’ve been talking about the World Race for some time now. My first goal before going was to pay off my college loans. In December of 2016, I did that. A huge thanks to my mom letting me live at home! At that point, I said I was going to go on the race in January of 2018.
The routes came out and I was not ready, and the routes were not what I wanted. I then put it off until August 2018. The routes came out and I again was not pleased. I thought to myself, October 2018 routes will be fine. I also was trying to calculate time off for work, and August 2018 would have been too soon. So, I anxiously watched the race reveal for October 2018 and was completely stunned. Absolutely none were calling my name even remotely. I was a little disappointed.
By November/December of 2017, I finally told myself that I’ve been holding off too long. January 2019 routes were it. I was applying for one…no ifs, ands, or buts were going to stop me. So, I filled out the application, had my interview, and was accepted in December. Now, I patiently (really ANXIOUSLY!) awaited the route reveal. When the routes came out there were two that I was stuck between. Route 3 and Route 4. I shared these with some people and I struggled over them for a while (but at the same time knew I had to make a decision quickly before they filled up).
You see, every time the routes came out, I wanted to do the expedition route. This route was more challenging physically, and it also was more spiritually challenging reaching out to the 10/40 window. I have always wanted the expedition route and I have always wanted to go India and Nepal. Guess what…. January 2019 had them on separate routes. Although I have wanted to do the expedition route since I first heard about the World Race….
I surprised myself. I chose Route 3: Columbia, Peru, Ecuador, India, Nepal, Kenya, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Uganda, Romania, and Ukraine. I could not for the life of me get Rwanda out of my head, even though I knew NOTHING about it. So, there you have it. That’s how I came to my conclusion and that’s how this journey is about to begin! 😀