Fighting your flesh is never an easy task, but it is so imperative in order to live a life of true freedom and joy.
My relationship with Jesus is 12 years strong, (because He is, not me) and its imperative that I let that relationship make all the decisions for me. Yes, I have been in my own flesh longer than I have been in relationship w/ God, but numerous times my flesh has failed me and Jesus never has.
Galatians 5:16 says ” So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.
It goes on to say how the flesh and the spirit are in conflict with one another, so we don’t do what we want. (Gal. 5:17)
Walking in the flesh isn’t just the obvious things like sexual immorality, impurity, or hatred. It’s ANYTHING that makes us work or think contrary to the will of God, or that taints our relationship with Him.
Moment of truth: there are many times where I’ve let my flesh take over in my life. There are times where I feel lonely and instead of filling my space with worship, I fill it with worldly desires. Whenever I feel upset or confused, I don’t ask God for clarity right away, I subject myself to my own thoughts and feelings.
But there is so much beauty in handing our worries and cares to the Lord (Matt.11:28-30) Allowing Him to fight every battle and carry the weight, and give us COMPLETE freedom. WHAT A GOD WE SERVE!
In Gal. 5:22, Paul tells us what the FRUITS of the spirit are. By the way; I love that he calls them fruits, because they are sweet and good for us. They create a healthy mindset and lifestyle. They refresh us and make us feel light and easy. They make us look better!
Praise the Lord!
Those FRUITS are love, faithfulness, goodness, forbearance, self-control, obedience, kindness, joy, and peace. (Gal. 5:22)
When I look at the world today and how divided it is by big things and small things, I wonder what would happen if we started to walk in the fruits of the spirit.
I wonder if we would stop attacking people for not getting vaccinated, and instead praying the covering of the Lord over them and their family anyway.
I wonder what would happen if we stop allowing hate to rule in our hearts and love could actually win.
I wonder what would happen if the church tore down religion and their walls and basked in the realness and beauty of having a relationship with the Lord and inviting others to walk in that same joy.
I wonder what would happen if we walked in the fruits of the spirit!
Well let me tell you, for the past two weeks I have been fighting my battles with the fruit of spirit, and I feel light, and joyous, I feel full, I feel beautiful, I feel seen, and I feel better!
Friends and family, I encourage you to WALK IN THE SPIRIT!!!