Well hello there my friends!!! As my social media feeds are flooded with photos and videos of family and loved ones bundled up in sweaters, beanies, and other cold weather wear, I am reminded of just how different my current circumstances are. At first this was really hard for me, and if I’m being honest at times it still can be, but as I continue on in the heat of Cambodia I am reminded that next fall and winter, I will be living back in the states and I will hold such a heart of gratitude for every season I get to experience! Plus it’s pretty cool that I’ll get to say that I basically just had summer for an entire year of my life! All that to say, keep the cool weather posts coming because they bring me so much joy and I’ll keep sending you all the warm, sunshiny posts from my current home of Cambodia!! 

     I wanted to write this post to update you all on what ministry looks like for my team and I this month!! 

     The seven of us left Siem Reap on Monday, November 14th to head two and half hours away to Kampong Thom. We will be spending four weeks total here and are partnered with a school! We are working with Good Seed International School, and ministry this month with them looks like helping teach English, painting murals, creating media content for the school, SOOOO much dancing, and more! I even have the opportunity to teach grammar lessons to some of the teachers who are wanting to better their understanding of English, and this upcoming Friday I get to serve as a judge for a speech competition for the older level students. This month is full of opportunities that really get to highlight and showcase so many of the gifting’s and talents that God has blessed each member of our team with and I couldn’t be more thankful! 

Painting Murals!! The kids have dubbed this one “the rainbow sun” and that brings me a lot of joy!! 

Olivia being a rockstar teacher!
Sydney and I cooking dinner for the team after going to the local market!

     We get to the school every day at 7:30 and leave in the evening at 5:40, so they are long days, but they are days full of goodness, light, perseverance, and passion! Thank you to each and every one of you who continues to shower my team and I in prayers, it means more than I can even express! Please continue praying that we will adjust to the heat and for God’s supernatural strength and energy to sustain us through the long days as we get the beautiful opportunity to serve those around us! I love you all dearly and am praying you are filled with all the light, love, and gratefulness this Thanksgiving!! Be sure to eat some extra mashed potatoes for me and I’ll save you a scoop of rice!

     All my love direct from Kampong Thom, Cambodia,
                                                               <3 Meagan! 



  • please pray for my heart and all the hearts of the girls on my team on Thanksgiving day in particular. Holidays can be so hard on the field, being away from your family, so just pray that we will feel their love from afar and even in the midst of homesickness and sadness that we will be reminded that they are with us, and we with them! 
  • that I will become FULLY FUNDED!!!! If you feel called to donate so I can continue to serve my team and my squad, PLEASE consider making a donation toward my trip! It would mean more than I can even say and be the BIGGEST gift you could give me!!!