Hi friends!!! Today is Day 23 of me being away for Squad Leading for Gap Year!! The Racer’s arrived on campus in Gainesville for training camp on August, Sunday the 28th which means we’ve been doing the dang thing for OVER a week now!! That time has looked like living in a tent in the pouring Georgia rain, bucket showers and doing laundry in buckets, the sweetest and most intimate worship with my Heavenly Father, meeting all the new friends, laughter, tears, sessions, and SO MUCH MORE!!! There have been many hard moments, and even more beautifully AMAZING moments that have just left me in awe and wonder of the goodness of God and all that both I know He is going to do over these 9 months and all that’s He’s ALREADY doing even here at training camp!!! Life with God is seriously the coolest and I’m just the most thankful to be on this wild journey with Him!! I wanted to write this blog to give you a mini update and to let you know to be on the lookout for a leadership team reveal, aka a blog where I get to brag on the INCREDIBLE people I have the honor of getting to lead alongside this year, AND a blog all about my TEAM that I could not feel more blessed to be leading for these next nine months!! So keep your eyes peeled, your hearts and minds open, and keep looking onward and upward as we run the race set before us by our good and loving Father!! I love y’all and am the most thankful you’re along for all that God has in store for this time!!

I’ll talk to you soon,

        <3 Meagan!! 

*PRAYER REQUESTS: I’m still fundraising for squad leading. I’ve raised about $3,800 of the $6,000 total I need to be fully funded! THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart to everyone who has donated to help me reach my goal, it means more than I can even put into words. If you feel called to help me in this capacity please make a donation here on my blog on the homepage with the fundraising bar by clicking on the “DONATE” button! All donations are tax deductible and I would be the MOST honored if you would like to partner with me in this way to see Kingdom come!! God bless y’all, and please feel free to reach out to me if you feel called to support me and are feeling called to do so in a different capacity. <3