I’ve been wanting to write a Q&A blog for a while, but was just waiting for the opportune time to do so. With 25 days to go until I launch, copious amounts of questions to answer from you guys (cause you’re AWESOME and wanted to help me make this post a reality), and the need to post another blog for my month-long blogging challenge, what better time than NOW?!! So without further ado I give you post number 10! If your question didn’t get answered or you still have some that are burning in your brain, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me so that we can chat, grab coffee, and discuss any and all things World Race related!



So just a brief explanation for anyone who may have stumbled onto my blog and you’re asking yourself “what the heck is The World Race?”

The World Race is an 11 Month Mission Trip to 11 different countries. My squad, the 35 other participants I have the honor of serving with, and I will spend one month in each country partnering with local churches and organizations to meet the needs of each particular community we are in, while spreading the gospel.

The World Race is a program through the organization Adventures in Missions that takes 21 to 35 year old individuals who have a “yes in their spirit” and a desire in their heart to empower the church and build the Kingdom of God wherever they go. It is a true journey to serve “the least of these” while amongst real and raw community; a challenging adventure that allows young adults to abandon their worldly possessions and a traditional lifestyle in exchange for the understanding that it’s not about them, it’s about the Kingdom of God.

*How did you find out about The World Race?  

I actually first heard about The World Race while I was still living in Chicago, Illinois in the early summer of 2017. I began feeling as though God was calling me into missions in some aspect and calling me to “GO” serve somewhere even though I had no idea where that “somewhere” was. I began praying about what this necessarily meant and immediately ads for The World Race started popping up on both my Facebook and Instagram accounts. I started doing a little research on The World Race when I realized that one of my friends from high school was actually off serving on The Race at that very moment in time. I reached out to her in May of 2017 asking her any and all questions that had come to mind as I seriously began contemplating submitting an application. She gave me incredible insight and we were able to have such beautiful and fruitful conversations talking about all that God had revealed to her and taught her so far and what He was continuing to show her as she was still off serving on The Race.

*How did you choose your route?  

This is a great question!! So for anyone wondering, my route is the list of the 11 countries in which I will have the opportunity to do ministry. I will be serving in Belize, Honduras, El Salvador, Vietnam, Cambodia, Albania, Serbia, Romania, Ethiopia, Uganda, and Rwanda. Like I said earlier, God had laid The World Race on my heart way back in April of 2017, but there were some battles I was still in the midst of and I truly didn’t believe that raising $18,200 was possible so I just left my application sitting completed in my internet browser without actually submitting it. I had originally looked at many of the January 2018 routes, but just kept pushing it off. I then started looking into the August 2018 routes, but still didn’t feel at peace with this decision. Once I finally submitted my application and then later on found out that I was accepted to The World Race I asked if I could wait to join a route until the Adventures in Missions staff revealed what the October 2018 routes would be. I remember signing up so that I could watch the route reveal online before they officially announced it and made it public on The World Race website. I had prayed before the route reveal began that God would give me some sort of sign as I was watching and listening to the various countries being listed off. The countries for Route 1 and Route 2 were named, but it wasn’t until the countries of Route 3 were listed off that my heart skipped a beat. These were not countries that had ever made it onto my radar or peaked my interest in any way so I truly didn’t understand why this was the one that God was placing on my heart. To be honest the other two had countries that I had always longed to go to. I even said, “God really, are You sure that’s the one?” I began praying over the list of 11 countries, naming them each off one by one. Belize, Honduras, El Salvador… and so on. I probably did this 10 to 15 times and I wasn’t even really sure what I was expecting or hoping for. I was in my family’s living room praying over these countries and my sister was watching television. As I finished up the list with Ethiopia, Uganda, Rwanda, and began to prepare to list off the countries again, I said “Belize” at the exact same moment that a character on my sister’s tv show uttered the phrase “that settles it, we’re going to Belize.” I laughed and said “okay God I get it, thank you for my sign.” I called the very next morning and committed to Route 3 on the list of October 2018 Races. 

*In what ways is Adventures in Missions preparing you and your squad for ministering to the different people groups you will be encountering? And in what ways have you been preparing yourself for these interactions?

Okay folks I won’t lie, when I got this question I was like WHOA… What an absolutely PHENOMENAL question, and one that took some contemplation on the second part I might add. While at Training Camp the Adventures In Missions staff equipped us for much of what is to come as we go off on The World Race through informative sessions, hands-on field scenarios, and break-out courses in the areas of teaching, preaching, children’s ministry, worship, discipleship, and how to use modern apps and other tools in the pursuit of spreading the gospel in a foreign country. Our sessions addressed things such as “World’s Population in Terms of the Reached, Minimally Reached, and Unreached,” in other words teaching us about the different people groups we will come in contact with and where they fall on the “unreached to reached” spectrum, and how we can best relate to each of these subcategories. “Understanding World Religions,” which gave us insight on relating to different people groups, removing barriers and hindrances that get in the way of spreading the gospel, building bridges and forming relationships with these individuals, and learning about what “the good news” is for every person no matter their race, religion, or background that they come from. We even had a session all about the ins and outs of “Evangelism” and were able to put all that we had learned into practice by actually going out into a neighborhood and spreading the gospel with those that we encountered.  

As far as preparing MYSELF for these interactions I have been praying a lot for these countries and their people groups. I have also done and will continue to do extensive research on each of the 11 countries and their cultures so that I will be able to show complete honor and respect, I won’t go into a country or a situation misinformed, and so that I will know what I can and can’t wear, what I can and can’t do, and what I can and can’t say within each of these particular countries. It’s all about the hope that they will come to trust me, so I want all people that I come in contact with to know that I’m coming from a place of honor and pure respect for them and their country/culture.  

*What are you most looking forward to on your trip? What are you most looking forward to in each country?

I put these two questions together because they truly go hand in hand. Both as a generalization for the trip in its entirety and within each individual country I am truly looking forward to the people. Meeting them. Getting to know all about them and the stories that are their lives. Getting to love on them and find out that we probably have more in common than I would have originally thought. Getting to learn from them, all about life in their countries and being invited to get a taste of their culture alongside them. 

My heart is also longing for the opportunity to work with children in any and all opportunities that are presented to me while on The World Race. Getting to love on children in orphanages, playing with street kids as we make our daily commute, sharing a smile or a laugh with students who think my Southern accent is funny as I attempt to teach English, ALL of it!!

*What are you LEAST looking forward to?

This question mirrors the two previous questions and in a way so does my answer. I have a strong and abundant love for meeting new people, discovering new places, and being put into new situations, however… I also grow attached to said people and places EXTREMELY quickly. I already know that going from country to country each month will be difficult for me in the sense that I will form connections and grow attached to these people and places and then have to say “good bye” at the end of every month. Good bye’s are quite difficult, and knowing that I’m preparing to say many as I leave for The Race and then time and time again once I’m on the field as well makes me a little melancholy to say the least. 

*What will you miss the most while being away?

Undoubtedly my family and friends will be what I miss the most. I’m also sad to be knowing that I will miss my Big Sister’s wedding (from my sorority), and miss the wedding of one of my very best friend’s. I also won’t lie I’m going to miss my sister’s dog Koda a whole heck of a lot, I’m going to miss playing the piano, and don’t hate me for saying something super trivial but… I’m REALLY going to miss Chick-fil-A.  

*Are you taking your ukulele with you on The Race?

Oh heck to the yes I 150 MILLION percent, ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY am!!! 

*As of now do you have any inclination from God as to what He will be leading you to do with your life after The Race?

I actually have been asked this question by many individuals and my response is pretty much always the same thing… I was recently speaking with someone and they said “I like to have plans with open hands.” I thought this to be a beautiful sentiment because it meant that they were already trying to plan for their future, but they were also open and willing for God to take those plans from their hands and change them, or make them what He would have them to be rather than what the individual planned in the first place. As of now I’m trying not to plan anything extensive or set anything in stone for after The World Race. I have ideas for what I would like to do after I finish with these 11 months, but if God has other plans and ideas I want to be open and susceptible to what they may be. 

*What would you most like people to be praying on your behalf while you are away?

What a beautiful and selfless question, and I can’t thank you enough for this! Definitely keep tuning into my blog for updates as I go country to country because I will keep posting prayer requests/needs for each of the different places as my life continuously changes. As of now please be praying for my squad and the team that I have the honor and opportunity to serve with. Pray that God will prepare our hearts for all of the people that He would have us cross paths with in each and every country, that God will use us in bold and mighty ways to spread the gospel and further His Kingdom wherever we may go, and pray for the 11 different countries and the beautiful people and cultures that we will get to embrace and become a part of over the next 11 months. 


Thank you to anyone and everyone who submitted a question for me to answer! I hope this was informative, but also interesting and that you wanted to stick around until the end. Here’s to hoping your Monday has been absolutely marvelous! Love you friends and be sure to check back in tomorrow for post #11.
