Oh September. The ninth month of the calendar year, and the only month that feels it has the audacity to tell us that we are no longer allowed to wear white. Well I’ll have you know September that my wardrobe is rather lacking in that shade (rather lacking period seeing as I’ve gotten rid of a lot of clothes lately as I prepare to leave), so take that! Even though September is rather pushy, I’m still vowing to make this month absolutely incredible! What will make it incredible you might ask? Well dear reader I have decided to partake in a little challenge for the month of September. I will be writing one blog… everyday… for the entire month (cue dramatic music and gasps from the crowd). You read that correctly, I will be blogging everyday for the next 30 days. Is that ambitious? Yes! Am I nervous? A little, but mostly excited! Am I crazy for taking this on as I prepare to launch? Probably, but let’s have some fun shall we?!! 

     I believe that God is asking me to push myself, to step outside my comfort zone, and to embrace the unknown, the unfamiliar, and the incredibly uncomfortable. With that being said, He asked me to write. To have a willingness and a yes in my spirit to write the stories that He lays on my heart as He prepares me to launch on The World Race in just 34 short days. Stories matter! My story, your story, and the stories of those individuals that have yet to be told because they don’t have access to the resources or a platform to make their voice heard or their vision seen. 

     The story of the widowed mother of 5 living in a hut in Africa who struggles to feed her children everyday matters. The story of the 14-year-old boy in El Salvador being told he will only come to find love and acceptance if he joins a gang matters. My story of redemption and recovery from the dark depths of over a decade long addiction and battle with an eating disorder matters. YOUR story matters. Don’t be afraid to tell it, and to give it away. Your story is powerful and it can move in radical ways that you never thought possible. Stories impact, they inspire, and they are so very important! 

     Sharing your story is a true act of courage, so I enCOURAGE you this month to find the boldness and the beauty within your own story and look for those individuals who God places in your path for you to share your story with. I also enCOURAGE you to take the time to look around and seek out those stories that inspire you! Maybe that will be the key you need to take you from being inspired to inspiring others.

     Thank you for reading my friends and if you found this blog encouraging or inspiring in any way I would love for you to comment below or share it with your friends! I hope to see you back here tomorrow for Day 2 of my month long blogging challenge. Click on the SUBSCRIBE button located at the top of the page so that you can receive updates to your email when I post; this will truly be the best way to keep up with me once I launch onto the Mission Field!


Have a blessed Saturday my friends,




If you feel led to partner with me through prayer or financially please tap the “DONATE” button above, or feel free to reach out to me by email or phone. I am currently in need of $5,000 in order to be FULLY FUNDED for The World Race! Will you prayerfully consider partnering with me today?