I’m so excited to say that after months of searching and being rejected my roommate and I finally found a place to live! The few past months since moving to Georgia have been very overwhelming. When first moving here we quickly found that the housing market is really bad right now. Most of the prices were so high we thought we would be living out of our cars for a very long time. If we did manage to find something within budget, it would be snatched up before we could do any paperwork or it was infested with bugs… Ew… So we continued to trust in God to provide for us. We knew He had called us here and He would show us where we were meant to go. After months of having to move to a new Airbnb every week, God helped us find the right person who was looking to rent out at the right time. All the times we heard no, God knew there was something better for us. This place is so much better than we had imagined. There’s so much space, there’s a really cute kitchen, it’s close to our jobs and we have a little backyard with some trees. We even have a fireplace if we ever choose to figure out how it works.
This place has the potential to be everything we could have hoped for. Catherine and I would often dream about what we wanted “our place” to be. A place that is welcoming, a place of peace and joy, a place for making memories. A place of contagious, joyous laughter. A safe haven from the world where people could come to find rest, rejuvenation, and God’s peace. A place for food, fellowship, movie nights, and dance parties. A place for others to just be themselves and not feel judged. We are so blessed and excited to finally have a place to call home! So if you are in the Atlanta area and are looking for a fun, peaceful place to hangout, our door is open!