Fundraising is not my forte. It’s definitely not in my comfort zone, and it is something that I have been having a hard time doing. Luckily, God has placed some amazing people in my life to make the difficult task more fun and bearable!

I have had friends, family, and co-workers step up to offer an incredible amount of help throughout these past few months of fundraising. These people are incredible God-loving people who desire to serve in any way that they can. Some have been helping me spread the word about what the World Race is, who I am, and the provisions needed for my trip. Others have helped me write, print, and send letters. I have also had individuals team up with me to reach out to resources like restaurants and businesses that could potentially hold fundraising nights or give donations. It is absolutely incredible how God strategically places these people in our lives that rise to the occassion when God starts to move in your life. My mind has been blown by the love and passion these people have in their desire to see God do amazing things.

I think it’s safe to say that the Avengers don’t hold a candle to the team of people God has assembled in my life to help me prepare for what God is doing in my life. The amount of prayer and encouragement these people have been has set this journey up for greatness. Together we have done two t-shirt campaigns, sent out a bunch of letters, and are planning some awesome fundraising nights at a few different restaurants. I have no doubt that mountains will move because of the power of God amplified in the community He brings together.

If you don’t have a community of people in your life to walk along side you, I recommend starting one. Pray for God to place people in your life that keep you on track with His plan and pray for how you can be community for others. Search for people passionate about God, and start sharing what God is doing in your life. Having community can help you accomplish what seems like are impossible callings from God.

Feel free to come join me and my better-than-the-Avegers squad on February 22 at Chick-fil-a on Woodruff Road in Greenville, SC. We are partnering with Chick-fil-a to raise funds for the World Race from 5pm-8pm that night. We’ll be wearing our awesome World Race t-shirts and have a table set up. I’ll likely be the tallest female in the restaurant. Yep. It’s true… Never been self-concious about it or anything (yeah, right! But it makes me easier to find.) Come and have a fun time in community with us.