Something I’ve been thinking about today is what I’m going to be doing after this stint on the mission field. 

I think it’s part of my cultural make up to worry about the future and to think about it consistently. However, when I think about it lately, I don’t have answers but I have peace.

My team mate Brian reminded me that sometimes not knowing or having plans is a good place to be in. He suggested I build out a van and travel around the states (which I thought about when I lived in LA). I’ve thought about going to Thailand or getting lost in Europe. Maybe this is where my motorcycle diaries begin?

I’ve never felt called to one particular place/people group as a missionary so I figured I would start by traveling everywhere. Mankind is made in God’s image so I feel like every cultural, tribe, and people group that I get to meet, I see a piece of my Creator.

This song always makes me feel like Billy Joel is singing directly to me. It’s always a good reminder to “slow down you’re doing fine
You can’t be everything you want to be before your time
Although it’s so romantic on the borderline tonight“.

Wherever I am or wherever I go, I want to be immersed in the LORD’s will and goodness and be a light in dark places. 


  • Thank you for everyone has been praying for me. Is there anything you need prayer for? Put it down in the comments!
  • That I would be ready for this current season and whatever the next season brings. 
  • Albania is our next country. We will be heading there next week. Pray that hard hearts would be soft and that we would have the boldness to share the gospel with those we meet.
  • That I would get fully funded!


If you would like to support me as I go out to make Jesus known to the nations, you can do so at any of these avenues.

Venmo: @Heidi-Gray-3

Paypal: @HeidiAlmighty

CashApp: $HeidiGray

Adventures in Mission: Click the donate button on this blog! Donations through their page are tax-deductible.

T-Shirt: If you want to get a cool souvenir, you can also get a t-shirt I designed in order to fundraise for this trip. About $10 from each purchase goes towards my fund.