A year ago as I told everyone my plans to go on this grand adventure called The World Race, one question persistently came into conversation.

What are you going to do after the Race?

That was the ultimate question.

If you asked me before the Race I would have told you about my application for a Fulbright grant to get my master’s in Spain. When God shut that door in month 6 of the Race, I considered a discipleship leadership-training program called G42.

All of these things were great aspiring goals and ambitions, but God had called me to something specific.

In Asia people began prophesying visions over me that I didn’t quite understand. God had clearly put discipleship on my heart, but I was craving to be the one discipled.

Squad leading kept coming up for me, ever since the second month of the Race. Squad leading is where alumni world racers go back out on the field with a new squad to lead, to disciple and to do ministry with for the first five of their eleven months.

It was honestly not something I preferred to do. I wanted to move on from the life of limited electricity and showers, living out of a backpack and little independence.

But God told me I had a choice. I wrote a blog called “Why So Selfish Erica?” It was about my motivations behind going on the Race in the first place. And although they weren’t bad reasons, they were reasons of my own accord.

This time I had a choice between being discipled by going to G42 or being the discipler by squad leading. And although both are good, I knew God was calling me to make the choice where His will would be my number one priority.

Once this choice became clear, so did the visions I had been given. God was clearly calling me to disciple others.

Now I’m beyond thrilled to be going back out on the field!

It’s going to be amazing to watch others experience the same transformation I did from being on this once-in-a-lifetime experience. The squad leaders on my Race have been such a pivotal part of my healing, confidence, wisdom and boldness. Their guidance in my role as a Team Leader has been a huge part of my growth in spiritual leadership.

Now I get to return to the field to come alongside new Racers to get accustomed to international ministry and missionary life. I get to push and encourage them in their relationship with Jesus. I get to do ministry with them in 5 more countries. I get to live life and build relationships with those that are also passionate about being the hands and feet of Jesus. These people ARE my ministry and discipleship IS the next chapter that God has called me into.

So this is my official answer to the big question of “what are your plans after the Race?”


John 3:6 says, “Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit”

I know that this is God’s will for me and He has given me so many signs and confirmations since my decision to pursue this path. Therefore what’s birthed in the spirit will be maintained in the spirit.

The beautiful thing is that as a body of believers, God uses others to bring His will to life.

This means that I will be fundraising again and you can be a part of this continued journey by clicking the “donate” button before I’m even off the field!

The $6,500 will pay for my five months on the field including all food, flights, lodging and two additional debriefs in month 8 and month 11 of the squad’s trip.

Debriefs are a time for racers to reflect on what the Lord is doing in their life through this journey and to make sure they are healthily processing their experiences. Squad leaders play an important role during this time as we have been through the process before.

Please take a minute to pray and ask God if/how He wants to use you to be a part of my continued journey. Small monthly donations truly do add up and one-time gifts are just as appreciated (all tax deductible through my site).

You can also be an immense support in prayer. Prayers for God to tug on the hearts of those who will financially come alongside my journey. Prayers for the squad that I will be placed with and that the Lord will be cultivating life-altering changes in their lives through this journey. Prayers for my transition period between July and October and prayers for the leadership team that is being placed over this new squad.

So “Here am I” Lord. I’m ready to once again be your ambassador and see countless more come to the Kingdom. Prepare the hearts, Lord, of those you will be placing before us.

Thank you all who have supported my thus far; for every letter of encouragement that I’ve been able to open on this Race; for every prayer; for every comment or like of one of my posts; for everything. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

God Bless,



“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘whom shall I send? How will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I. Send me!’” – Isaiah 6:8

“How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, the news that the God of Israel reigns!” – Isaiah 52:7