“Trust in the Lord completely, and do not rely on your own opinions. With all your heart rely on him to guide you, and he will lead you in every decision you make. Become intimate with him in whatever you do, and he will lead you wherever you go. Don’t think for a moment that you know it all.” – Proverbs 3:5-6

I want to let you in on a secret the worship leading community:

Worship leaders don’t always believe in their hearts what they are singing with their mouths.

Some people would read this and say, “No way, they have huge smiles on their faces and are holding their hands up like theres not a single thing wrong in the world.” 

Other people would ask, “Why would you sing it then?

The answer is simple – I can know something is true without fully believing it is true.

There is a difference in knowing and believing. Believing in our minds takes agreeance, believing in our hearts takes ownership. One is a opinion, the other is an experience. One is good for conversation, the other is good for the real, hard days when the shame/fear/guilt/hurt comes knocking at my door. I think this is the reason that the largest book in the Bible {Psalms} is a book of songs… God created us and knows how our minds work.

Repetition is one tool we can use for commanding our souls to take ownership of what we know to be true in our minds.

We can sing “You’re never gonna leave me dry” once and it sounds nice and “Christian-ese” but we shouldn’t be satisfied with just that. It’s the truth! I am going to sing it over and over, until my heart and soul don’t hesitate even for a second to believe it.

#WorshipWednesday – 03/28/18


Artist: Upper Room Worship

Song: Never Gonna Leave Me Dry + King of my Heart + Spontaneous

Album: Upper Room Live


Feel free to follow “Adjusting My Posture” on Spotify. 


Direct link to “Adjusting My Posture” playlist.