1. Trust

As humans, we naturally feel entitled to information. Even information that has nothing to do with us. I grew up hearing “The people DESERVE to know!” and believing it. Now, I say “there are things that I don’t deserve to know and quite frankly, things I don’t want to know!” – thank you Jesus for that. I am a part of a generation raised to be skeptics. You can’t trust the government, you can’t trust business leaders, you can’t trust history, you can’t trust role models – it’s not a far jump to “you can’t trust at all”.

Argentina was all squad month and that meant our entire squad of 48 was working together. Our ministry assignments changed by the minute, sometimes even after we left the base. Rather than getting frustrated and entitled to organization – we stayed still, we listened, and we trusted. We trusted that our leadership had the best intentions for us, we trusted that our host had experience they were relying on, and we trusted that the Lord was going to lead us where He needed us.

2. Vulnerability

I’ve read and heard a lot about vulnerability. It’s a buzz word in the higher education industry. I’ve probably even spoke on it at some point. Compared to what I learned and experienced in Argentina, my actual knowledge of vulnerability was minimal.

Researcher, Brene Brown says, “we associate vulnerability with emotions we want to avoid such as fear, shame, and uncertainty. Yet we too often lose sight of the fact that vulnerability is also the birthplace of joy, belonging, creativity, authenticity, and love.” This quote describes my month perfectly.

Holy Spirit showed me and challenged my heart in many places that I was still trying to “perform” or “save face” with even my closest friends. The spaces between us are the places that the enemy can come in and try to manipulate us to feel fear, shame, and uncertainty. Eliminating these spaces is the key to dismantling the enemy’s plan of attack.

I shared with my team/squad the most shameful and painful moments in life so far. No fluff – the full truth – only the real stuff. It was terrifying, and the enemy tried to lie to me even in the moment with thoughts that sharing would change who they saw me to be. WRONG! Instead, my new family came around me and stood against those attacks. They confirmed in me who I truly am, my identity in Christ. The moments and decisions I shared were my mistakes and there is no excusing them, but they do not define me – AND they have no grip on who I choose to be each day moving forward.

3. Community

Community is one of my favorite experiences/lessons/gifts I’ve received from the Race!

I was not the only one that was wrecked by a new understanding of trust and vulnerability. 1 by 1 my friends stood up in front of the squad and shared the real hard stuff. We chose to eliminate the space between us and say “Yes” to authentic community. The result was freedom and breakthrough blowing through the room like a fresh wind. Masks were thrown away and we were able to fully love the people we are doing life with.

Kayla and I had discussed community living pretty seriously before the Race. After Argentina I am more sold out to community living than ever before. Doing life alongside friends and family you can trust in full vulnerability – it’s what we were made for! It’s actively choosing to build and be the church. I want to raise my kids in an environment of love, vulnerability, grace, and creativity with people chasing who are also chasing after the life God has for them!

I now have 2 life goals for post-Race: 1. Start a family 2. Move to/live in community.