From the beginning of this journey, we heard Jesus saying “people will be joining you on the Race!” To honor that, before we started any sort of fundraising effort, we decided to post an open invitation to our friends & family: Ask Jesus if you are to join us as a team member, listen, and respond accordingly.

These team members will be praying for us, for a specific country on our route, and for the ministry we will be paired with when we arrive there.

All 11 countries were sponsored in 11 days!

Jesus fulfilling His promises…

One of the most consistent questions we have gotten from friends outside of our team members is “What will you be DOING each month?”

Simple answer: Ministry looks different in each country!

Realizing that answer doesn’t shed much light on what WR ministry looks like – we have decided to release a series of posts that will highlight each country’s unique culture, past WR ministry that has taken place there, and a thought from the team member sponsoring that country.

Our hope is that this brings understanding and excitement for the too-numerous opportunities Jesus provides through the World Race to bring light, hope, and freedom to some of the most forgotten places on Earth.

To start, check out our full route video below.

Next week: Chile.