As I sit here in Starbucks this morning (I can be found here most mornings before work) I have a million and one thoughts running thru my head as a lot of things are going on in my life right now and I almost am in somewhat of a shock still that I am sitting here typing my first blog for the WORLD RACE! Its crazy, its huge, its a bit scary, a bit nervewracking, but more than any of those things its AMAZING because its GOD’s WILL for my life in this next season!

I bet you are wondering, how I got here- to sitting here writing this BLOG at  this very moment!John 10:10

The Beginning of the Beginning~

Traveling has always been a part of my life- from when I was born- not in the sense of airplanes and going all over the world- but in the sense that I was always moving and going different places, going with my mom to teach her dance classes to moving and switching schools etc. I have always been a mover, I don’t really like staying in one place in the sense that I love doing many different things and going different places- not staying somewhat stuck in once place so to speak…I believe that the beginning of your life and how it is lived, how you are influenced and the things you go thru and experience hugely impact you later in life. The fact that I was moving around a lot growing up and experiencing many different things- from being around adults a lot and traveling with my parents to Japan at the age of 3 has shaped my heart and love for traveling and the world.

God and JESUS Then: I did know of him growing up but I did not have a personal relationship with him. I went to church here and there growing up on Sundays and I believe that these moments were crucial to where I am now in my faith. If the seed wasn’t planted when I was a child I don’t know that I would be where I am at now. I thank my mom for taking me to church and instilling in me seeds of faith, hope and love for others that is now HUGE! I am so thankful for the times I went to Sunday school and learned about the Lord and started to read his word and have it poured into me as I grew- even if it wasn’t consistent.

God and Jesus Now: Jesus now is my EVERYTHING! God is my number 1! I have been thru many, many challenges, trials, huge mountains, heartbreak and all of that….& I have dealt with it in ways that I am not proud of BUT God- doesn’t look at all that and judge or point fingers, Jesus took all of that for all of us when he died on the cross for YOU, for ME and for all of our sins then and our sins now. I now more than know him, I KNOW him-  and I have a relationship with him! he is number one in my life, There are times I fall short but he NEVER falls short in my life!

11 countries in 11 Months! WHY???

Why do I want to leave everything- my family, friends, this island maui that I have known as my home for the past 8 years? That is actually a very powerful long story that I will go in depth with on my next blog! I can tell you now though- that the reason I am on the path that I am on is because of God, because of my path, where my feet have previously taken me has put an urgency in my heart, a fire in my belly to GO GO GO!!!

Please keep me in prayer as I continue in this season that God has called me on! If you feel it in your heart to help in ANY way please contact me!


Please Stay tuned and if you would like to come on this journey of the world race with me please subscribe- so that you will be updated when I post a new blog etc! Love you all!

Up NEXT- My World Race WHY!