From the moment Courtney and I first started dating, we knew that we both felt called into global missions long-term. We knew that if we got married some day, a huge call on our marriage would likely be centered around global missions. Yes, we had both been on multiple long missions trips overseas, but we both felt that these trips were not the destination, but rather the preparation. The preparation for what was to come and for however God was going to use our marriage.   

As Courtney and I got engaged and the wedding day got closer and closer, we wanted to pray about what was to come in our life together and what God was planning, but we felt like God was saying, “Not yet. Wait until it’s official. Wait until you are one.” And so we waited… 

Exactly one month after we were married, things began to shift. I quit my job and wondered what reason God could possibly have for me being unemployed one month into marriage. About ten days later, someone from Adventures in Missions (who didn’t know I had quit my job) reached out to me and said they were having a hard time filling the Logistics role for World Race Gap Year (the same trip I led and met Courtney on), AND they were willing to allow me to work remotely, which had never been done before. This Logistics role that was presented to me was the job I had always wanted to do with Adventures in Missions, but the timing of it just had never worked out. Courtney and I prayed about the opportunity, and I wrestled with it a lot. I thought we were going to have time to settle into our marriage, live comfortably for a bit, and then go into missions. But here we were, 1 month into marriage, and God was giving us our first step towards the mission field. Ultimately, of course I said yes to the opportunity, and so I am now on staff at Adventures in Missions as a Logistics Coordinator.  

As many of you know, missions organizations rely on God’s provision through His people in order to be able to share the love and truth of Jesus Christ. If you would like to partner in what God is doing (prayerfully, financially, etc.), please reach out to either Courtney or myself and we would love to share more about it. We are trying to set up meetings with people to share what we are doing, and encourage them to partner in God’s mission in the world, whether that’s by partnering with us or something else entirely. For this role with Adventures in Missions, my support goal is $2,500 a month. I am currently around $500 a month and need to be at the full amount by 10/1. As I mentioned above, this is the first step towards Courtney and I being missionaries overseas, long-term. If you would like to be a part of this journey, please let us know! We would love to hear from you, share what God is doing in our lives, and hear how He is working in yours