Hey Everyone!

So, I understand that raising $17,017 seems CRAZY and almost impossible to raise in a year; however, God has proven time and time again through His Word and through my experiences that He is most definitely capable of providing such a large sum of money in a short amount of time. I also understand that you may be uncomfortable donating because you may want to know where exactly your money is going to. With that being said, here are some charts to help break down where the money goes:

Training Camp: $340.34

Field Support: $680.68

WR Development Program: $2,042.04

Administration Fees: $2,892.89

World Racer: $11,061.05


As the chart says, 65% of my funds raised goes towards my own expenses. Here is another chart to break down my personal budget:

Intercontinental Trvel: $4,977

Food: $1,438

Lodging: $2,102

Transportation: $1,217

Long Distance Travel & Misc. Supplies: $1,327

Whenever I donate to someone, I like to know where exactly my money is going so I thought I would provide this information for y’all. Also, while I do not leave until January, I do have certain deadlines that I have to meet in order to go:

September 23, 2016: $5,000

December 16, 2016: $10,000

February 28, 2017: $13,000

April 30, 2017: $17,017

Once again, while the full amount isn’t due until April of next year, my goal is to have the full amount raised before we launch. Please be in prayer that that goal may be met. Also, THANK YOU to everyone who has already shown so much support to me through encouragement, finances, and prayer. Y’all are AMAZING!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!

With love,
