As I came into the city of Burgos, I was walking along the river, following El Camino. After several kilometers, the path turns and leads to a cathedral. There were some squat statues and I took a picture of them – possibly once pilgrims themselves.

Then I smelled the bread and sandwiches and went into the cafe across from the cathedral. I saw a man with trekking poles, sitting by himself. I asked if I could sit with him and he said sure.

Warren is from New Zealand. He recently retired from flying commercially. In January, he lost his beloved wife of 37 years to cancer. His adult son lives in Montreal, Canada and his daughter and her family live in Hong Kong.

Warren had been in Burgos for a week. He injured his achilles heal on his left leg. His heal swelled and then the next day up to his knee swelled. He went to the hospital and they told him to rest. Three days later, with no change from resting, he went back to the hospital and they advised him to go to physical therapy. He has had treatments daily since then with little change. After two days, the physical therapist told him that because he came so far, he should continue on El Camino. Just that day at therapy, Warren had asked for the therapist’s opinion again and asked her to advise him as though he were from Burgos or her father and she said he needs to let his tendon rest, to heal.

We talked about other options besides walking: riding a bike would still put pressure on his tendon, riding a horse – we did not know how that all works along El Camino, he may take a train to Santiago and collect his luggage he sent ahead.

Warren is ok with coming back again, when he is healthy to hike El Camino. He hiked a few days with a man from Scotland who will be going home in a few days from Leon, Spain. This man has contacted Warren several times to invite him to come visit him in Scotland, the man checked with his wife at home and she is welcoming Warren as well. One night the man even sent Warren some flights he had looked up, so he is serious about him visiting.

Warren and I shared our stories and he was interested in me becoming a Christian at a young age. He wanted to know if I felt pressured into becoming a Christian and I was able to openly share with him about my testimony. Warren’s Mother was a Sunday School teacher when he was young but as he got older the family stopped going to church and everyone was given freedom to do as they liked for their spiritual needs.

Warren said he and his wife had become more spiritual the last few years, with her getting sick. He said he still wasn’t sure about where he stood.

We talked about evolution and I was able to share about the egg and why I believe there was an intelligent designer – Creator. The chicken egg has 7,000 pores. When a chick begins to hatch, it has a 3 hour air supply in the egg (you know that air pocket you always have in an egg, it’s there for the chick). If the chicken egg had 10,000 pores it would be too hard and the chick would not be able to break out. If the egg had 5,000 pores than the shell would be to frail and it would not support the chick until it was ready to hatch. This is one of many examples I see the hand of a Creator not evidence of a big bang.

Warren knew I was to receive a package between 5-7 pm and he knew where the albergue was for the delivery. He offer to take me there. I also needed cash for the custom’s fee and he showed me where banks were. Before we parted ways, Warren was happy to let me pray for his achilles heal and leg. He said he had been waiting a week for a change, so he was open to being healed. Will you also keep Warren in your prayers?