Nancy met up with another Pilgrim in the airport, on her way to France to begin El Camino. Nancy began traveling with a group of 3 other ladies along the trail but it was not working out for Nancy. You may remember meeting Nancy in my Pilgrim blog.

Nancy was trying to keep the other ladies’ pace, kilometers per day, schedule and activities. But, it was all too much for her. By the end of the day, she was so exhausted she could hardly think.

Nancy made the decision to say goodbye to the ladies, take a day off and figure out how to read her guidebook, how to find accommodations, plan her route for the day, etc. These were all things she had been letting the other women due and she needed to figure out for herself.

I waited for Nancy to come to the hostel I had spent the night in, because she would spend her day off there. When she arrived, I reassured her that she was able to manage all she needed and she would not be alone. I asked her if I could pray for her and she gladly accepted.

I simply talked to Jesus and asked Him to guide and protect Nancy. To provide all that she needed and to help her dig through some personal things with Him.

After my simple prayer, Nancy was in tears. She said no one had ever prayed for her needs before without inserting their own thoughts or opinions of what she should do. She said direction from Jesus was exactly what she needed.

Yesterday, after going to the pharmacy, I had dinner at an outdoor cafe. It was taking a long time for my salad to come and I was starting to think I should cancel my order and continue my search for the grocery store. But then, I saw Nancy! I waved her over and we caught up.

She thanked me again for my prayer and said it has been one of the things that has kept her on the trail.

I wanted to encourage you today, that your prayers matter. Be bold and ask people if you can pray for them, when you sense a need. You don’t know how the Lord will use your prayer. Be cog nascent to not pray your will over the person but ask Jesus to move in the person’s life & situation.