I just had a vision of flags flying at half-mast. The flag I was focused on was a local one in my city that’s stationed outside a Pal’s restaurant across from East Tenessee State University (not sure if that detail has significance or not, but thought I would mention it just in case). 


According to USA.gov: “The United States flag flies at half-staff (or half-mast) when the nation or a state is in mourning. The president, through a presidential proclamation, a state governor, or the mayor of the District of Columbia can order flags to fly at half-staff. Most often, this is done to mark the death of a government official, military member, or first responder; in honor of Memorial Day or other national day of remembrance; or following a national tragedy.”


This was a very quick vision, only a flash, and I don’t know why I would see it tonight (I’m not even in town), but if you are a watchmam or intercessor, could I ask you to please pray for the region where I’m living (NE Tennessee)?


And maybe pray for our nation, too.