Greetings from Ecuador! I’m on the last stretch for my fundraising for my World Race ministry! July 1st is the next and FINAL deadline for the World Race. I’ll be in Central America at that time, and those funds will take me all the way through the rest of the World Race (through November).

Prayers and encouragement are also very much needed, so please feel free to drop me a line if you are praying for me or if you have a word of encouragement!

Many, MANY thanks to everyone who has supported me financially so far, to everyone who’s been praying for my mission and safety, and also to everyone who has been been reading my blog and sending encouraging messages…your support has been vital to my mission! God bless you, and enjoy this video!

Recap Video for Month 4 (Peru) and Month 5 (Ecuador); includes the very end of Month 3 (as we were leaving Bolivia)



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