The popular, late Progressive Christian, Rachel Held Evans, writes this article about “Life after Evangelicalism.”


Why are Progressive Christians running from the evangelical faith and embracing a different gospel? My guess would be pain, disappointment, the fear of man, wanting everyone to be accepted and not understanding the love of God.


Progressives might “gawk” at me saying they don’t understand the love of God because that’s their mantra…but you can’t have God’s REAL love with a highlighter or eraser to the Book. His love is totally congruent with His wrath. I got my definition of His love from Genesis to Revelation.


When you can’t rewrite your own story, you rewrite His. And that’s dangerous.


Progressives might deconstruct their faith to find there is nothing to stand or build on. It’s because you can’t build on a lie. “I was an #exvangelical who left the faith of my youth for “progressive Christianity.” Then I returned. Here’s my #revangelical story.”


“Progressives had become just as fundamentalist as the fundamentalists they despised.”


“We need more theology, nuance, grace, compassion, and understanding in our churches, not less. But these things are made possible by orthodox doctrine, not in spite of it.”


What does being an evangelical mean? The term evangelical comes from the Greek word that means “good news.” Evangelism is sharing the good news of the salvation that is available through Jesus Christ. An evangelical, then, is a person dedicated to promoting the good news about Jesus Christ. Combined, the description “evangelical Christian” is intended to indicate a believer in Jesus Christ who is faithful in sharing and promoting the good news.


The good news, the whole news and nothing but the truth.


So I’ll just keep sharing the good news as the Evangelical I am. I’m dedicated to it and I’m also dedicated to sound the alarm when wolves come after the sheep. It’s all for the Good News and for “Taking care of MY sheep” as Jesus commanded.