It all started at World Race training camp,

October 2019


I was mentoring B squad headed to 11 nations (so we thought)


F squad head to the States on:


Here we were at Training Camp, October 2019….clueless of all He had around the corner. That’s called “faith.” We follow when we can’t see what’s ahead. That’s that 20/20 vision lyfe with Jesus.



In prayer, at training camp, for what vision to lead both squads with, I heard Mark 6:11 “And if any place will not receive you and they will not listen to you, when you leave, shake off the dust that is on your feet as a testimony against them.”


From that I sensed to lead both squads with the same vision of

We feed the Hungry.” Both leadership teams for both squads prayed about it and knew this was the vision we would lead them with. We feed the hungry ones. We shake the dust off if people don’t want to listen.


I’ve never led 2 squads with the same vision. 



This is each squad presenting their dance as a squad at Training camp.




And this was at launch in January.


F squad leadership and parents:


B squad leadership and parents:


And this was them leaving:




God had prepared me well going into 2020 that we would face persecution, judgement and revival.


For us as Christians to stand firm we have to be able to withstand all that was coming. So our part, as B and F squads was to encourage them to make sure they read the BIBLE….the whole thing, I warned of false gospels and encouraged them to have direct communication and to be bold despite persecution.


God encouraged me through a prophetic dream that I MUST stay on the narrow road leading into 2020. My phrase for 2020 is “Fear God and Live.” (Note: the sweatshirt I made as a result to wear His message for me for the year.)



And this was the back of it….an MLK Jr quote to start out 2020.



Lou Engle had asked me in 2019, how many people are you believing for in 2020 for WR America. I said “40”. He said “500!” 


Month 1 debriefs went as planned. I got to be with F squad in Tennessee.



I flew from F squad to B squad in Costa Rica for their month one debrief.



Here is a vlog from their time in Costa Rica:



Well in mid March, when B squad was in Peru, they and many other Racers were called home from the international mission field to America due to COVID.


Guess how many Racers returned?




You can’t make this stuff up.


Following Jesus is so much fun.


He gave me the idea to start WR America in November of 2016. We had our first year of WR America in 2019 and was able to have an already running program through America when COVID hit in 2020.


He did that.


This was B squad after they returned from Peru. I met them in a hotel close to the airport and we had one dinner together before they flew out the next morning. We were shocked and sad, but not without hope.


F squad never stopped the WHOLE YEAR. They were the only squad with the World Race who didn’t stop and continued the whole year. 


B squad and the leadership team were staying connected before they relaunched with all squad calls, worship, teaching and each team still having team times.



F squad and the leadership team had to have virtual debrief Month 4 while they were in Philly. We had planned to be with them in Boston, but ya know how 2020 rolled….we were on a Google Meet instead.



Month 6 debrief, however, we made it in person to be with F squad in West Virginia.



B squad, along with the other 540 missionaries, eventually had a choice to stay together as a squad or not, to use their raised funds to do our discipleship schools, go overseas, do a short term trip, WR America, whatever….


B squad prayed and sensed to stay together….the only squad that did from the January launch AND chose to go on WR America.


You see what He did there? Back in October, I would have had no idea why I got the same vision for B and F squads. It because they were meant to be running together.


They were meant to “Feed the Hungry” in the same nation!


B squad joined WR America in Colorado at the beginning of July. I rode with Rebekah, Eva and Erica Jenkins for three days out to Colorado with the WR America Van #2 that would come to be called “Mercy.”



And we reunited at the Shaw’s house, our B squad coaches.




C squad had 6 girls from their squad that joined in a 3rd van on WR America at the beginning of August. Read Lauren’s blog about how she knew God called her to go on World Race America and it didn’t happen, OH but it DID!!!



All three squads met together in Washington for Month 8 debrief and an Awakening in September. It was an INCREDIBLE time together!



All three squads ministered all over the States.

B squad (from their 2 months overseas and 5 months in America):
Shared the gospel with about 3,845 people

Saw 23 people accept Christ

Had 8 baptisms including one at final debrief!

Saw 12 healings

Gave out 703 Bibles

Discipled 24 people

F squad (in America the whole year):

Shared the gospel with about 201 people

Saw 12 people accept Christ

Had one baptism

Saw 34 healings

Gave out 5 Bibles

Discipled 25 people


C squad (in America about 4 months):

Shared the gospel with about 70+ people

Saw 2 people accept Christ

Had 1 baptism

Gave out 3 Bibles

Discipled 20 people


Thank you JESUS!!!! Over 4,000 people heard about YOU!!!


Here are some of the baptisms:


We didn’t have a bathtub and they were quarantining in Philly at a ministry so a bucket of water will do!


I watched from a video call with B squad when 3 of their Racers got baptized in Utah!



And this was our last baptism at final debrief!



The squads did a little bit of everything from working with sex trafficking, speaking in youth groups, homeless ministry, doing disaster relief, working with already existing organizations, encouraging police and firefighters, giving food to the elderly, walking the streets praying and evangelizing, and more.




(Above picture with this story) One of the people we met and ministered to was “C.” She was a German immigrant lady who lived alone. The hurricanes uprooted several of the trees in her yard along with piles of branches and other debris. We helped clean up her hard and move some of the uprooted trees to the side of the road. Two of us also went inside to help her with her groceries. We prayed over her for safety and the Lord’s peace to surround her. She shared with us how she had been a believer for a couple of years now, and she was so appreciative of the blessing the Lord had sent her through us. ~Andrew while they did disaster relief in Louisiana. 



F squad got to have my sister, Elizabeth as a ministry host!




And then came final debrief in Panama City, Florida towards the end of November.



I closed on our final day of debriefing teaching “Risk it all.” I talked about to love at all means you will get hurt. I encouraged them not to get bitter, but to get better. That we will be persecuted for standing for our faith, but to keep going and not get stuck in betrayal, blame, feeling bypassed and bitter. 



Now they all spread out to the various states they live in to take the life they have lived on the field in America home to their circles on influence in their own states. Several from F squad are rejoining ministries they worked with this year in the States! Some will go overseas again and some will start new things. 


2020 was not what I expected but God’s surprise parties are always the best.


Hannah, from C squad, made this recap video for C squad’s experience on WR America.


Here are B squad’s before and after team pictures. They kept their same teams all year!


And we took a picture of all of our squads together at final debrief. Well done B, C and F squad! Well done.


You learned that missions isn’t different in America.



My greatest joy is they all finished. They didn’t quit when things got hard. They persevered and endured Covid, change, riots, racism, and a polarized nation and came out better as a result. The secret is Emmanuel.


Here are the Racers and leadership on WR America 2020 with their blogs linked to their names so you can read about their year from their perspective.


1. Morgan Fangman I put her first as she was the very first one to sign up for WR America 2020.

2. Andrew Galea

3. Susan Ludlam

4. Bridget Mirizio

5. Gisele Buenaventura, squad leader

6. Jacob Kane

7. Ryan Hurd, WR America Logistics leader

8. Delaney Bronosky

9. Lauren Bell

10. Amanda Urquides

11. Mark Hodge, coach

12. Kathy Hodge, coach

13. Brittany Locati, squad leader

14. Erica Everett, squad leader

15. Ryan Breakfield

16. Connor McGough

17. Erica Jenkins

18. Rebekah Basily

19. Eva Peterson

20. Kelley Schlangen

21. Hannah Sombeck

22. Kristen Middleton

23. Bethaney Sjoquist

24. Sabrina Wegner

25. Randy Shaw, coach

26. Dawnette Shaw, coach

27. Amy Heitzman, mentor for C squad

28. Keith Christianson, coach

29. Karen Christianson, coach

30. McKenzie Alexander

31. Kylie Day

32. Ashley Collins, squad leader

33. Hannah Mitchek

34. Annie Harris

35. Raquel Portillo

36. Lauren Watts

37. Hannah Zimmerle, she came just to experience 2 weeks with us before going on her own World Race

38. Beka Hardy, WR Program Manager

39. Chris Scott, WR/GY/Semesters leader

40. Teresa McMillan, WR America Program Manager/Mentor


We got our 40.


But we got much more.


We got Emmanuel, a God who never changes in what can be shaken.


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