I love asking Jesus where to go and what to do.


Today, I got to take Racers out evangelizing in Gainesville, GA.


This morning, I asked God where to take the Racers. Yesterday it was a laundromat and today was the “Square” in downtown Gainesville.


Here is a pic I found on the internet to give you an idea of what it looks like.



The Racers and I unloaded the van and split into groups of 2 or 3 to go find people we could share the hope of Jesus with.



I went with 2 Racers and we first met “B”, who appeared to be in maybe his late 20’s and homeless. We sat on the ground as he sat on the bench.

He shared his story with us which he started with leaving home at 20 and jumping trains. He kept going and once he finished sharing, I asked “So what happened before you started jumping trains?” He shared about his crazy childhood with 7 cousins who overdosed and died. His mom died 2 years ago from a heroine overdose. 


And your dad? ~TT

He’s in jail. ~”B”


He also had a son that he has only seen twice. He remarked how detached he was from his own emotions. However, he talked about the street-life like these were his people. I believe “B” found a sense of belonging here.


You could tell how he cared for his homeless community by how he interacted with other people as they came by. One older man rode by on a bike and “B” yelled out that he wanted to catch up with him. Another woman came up and asked “B” for a beer. This is his current family.


I shared my story with the gospel with “B”. He listened and eventually got up to leave. Later, we saw him again. He talked about the pure heart I had with God. I pray that he will come to know Jesus for a lasting family he will join and give his life to go into the highways and byways and gather in more family for God. 


Sitting beside “B” on the bench that whole time was “M” from Cali. He appeared to be early 20s and honestly looked like he was about to cry. The pain and sadness on his face was tangible. He looked like he might of been in a fight or maybe it was just the countenance he carried of getting beat up by life.


One Racer sat beside “M” and shared the gospel with verses out of Scripture she read from her Bible. Once she finished, I asked “M” if he had ever accepted Jesus. 


No ~M

Do you want to? ~TT

No ~M


He couldn’t fathom God always being with us. One Racer shared vulnerably with how she also struggles with that, even recently. I loved her vulnerability and empathy. “M” said it wasn’t his time to accept Jesus. 


Lastly, we met “Mi”, a Christian, who also sat and talked with us. “Mi” is studying political science in college and hoping to be a lawyer for criminal justice. His Dad is a pastor and mom a worshipper. “In my house we say ‘God is Good….all the time’.” He reads the Word and his favorite book is Exodus. The burning bush, God saying I AM…are some of the things he likes. I said “Yes, Jesus said he was I AM too!” (John 8:58)


I thought we were tracking and I was just trying to discover him by asking questions.


Glad I kept digging and didn’t just say “Bless you brother” and kept going.


Because at some point “Mi” said “Yeah, you know all the names of God. Some call him Allah, etc.”


And ya gurl was like:





TT had to clarify that he actually meant what he just said. “So, you are saying like Muslims have Allah….and Christians have the same God?”


Yes ~”Mi” 


I talked about how Jesus said “I am the way, the truth and the life and no one goes to the Father accept by Me.” (Jn 14:6) That Jesus was either telling the truth, that He was the truth….or he was a liar or a lunatic. Thank you C.S.


Then, I gave the example of me saying a piece of grass was a towel. I picked up the grass in my hand and said “Some could say this is a towel, but that wouldn’t make it true.” One of the labels was true.


Then, since ya boy is going to be a lawyer, I talked about having a court case….wouldn’t you rather have Jesus who rose from the dead with 500 witnesses over 40 days or Mohammad who was having his visions solo with no one witnessing?


I explained how Jesus was the only one who took our sin. That all other religions, you had to have a payment with your good works. However, with Jesus it was like the world was in the court room with their sins, fines, time in prison, life sentences and Jesus comes and makes everyone free by taking our punishment. He’s the only one who could do that.


I challenged “Mi” to think about what he said with saying all gods are the same. I encouraged him that he had a critical mind, I was sure, to want to do what he’s studying for. Please pray “Mi” will see the truth of what he proclaims to believe and that he can critically think about his relative truth claim. Pray he can give a defense for the hope that he has. (1 Peter 3:15)


In leaving him, I asked to put a note in his phone for some people I respect that he could listen to…Ravi Zacharias, Sean McDowell, Alisa Childers, Nabeel Kureshi, and the Cross Examined podcast. I gave him my number should he want to talk more.


Thankful RZIM taught me their motto:


And the other Racers met many more people with whom they shared with!


Thank you Jesus for leading us to the Square. We wanna go where You are going and say what You are saying….just like you showed us when You came to earth 2,000 years ago. (John 5:19 and John 12:49)