You may have heard me talk about Eileen, the lady who checks me out at Kroger.


Recently when I went in her line, she told me a customer called her a missionary. Eileen made a superwoman hand gesture and told me how she was on the frontlines serving at Kroger. 


I LOVE this woman and her perspective.


She told me that day “I wish I had time to tell you about how God has been encouraging me!”


I told her I could wait.


We hold up the line and she tells me all about how God speaks to her throughout the day with the way numbers ring up on her register.


Today, I saw her line but it was long and the one next to hers was almost empty. I went in the other line and screamed out over the plexiglass “Hi Eileen!” She didn’t hear me and i am sure I looked really interesting to onlookers.


I greet my cashier and bagger, who can’t bag my cloth bags anyways but stands in support. Then I go over and say “Hi Eileen, I don’t want to interupt but hi!!!”


She said “Oh I wish I had time to tell you the miracle that happened today!” Her eyes wide open in amazement.


I told her I could wait. 


She finishes with one customer and even though there is one waiting, she calls me over. “It’ll just take a minute” she said.


She said her grass, at home, was so high and prayed this morning that God would provide a way for her grass to get cut. Well someone from church called and said there were 2 guys that needed hiring to cut GRASS! And she was able to get her grass cut and help them. They were using the money to go on a mission trip! She was so excited that this miracle happened today and that she could support missions.


She held out her elbow in excitement so we could do an elbow pump…..the new fist pump.


That was her miracle.


Man, Eileen’s perspective on life. She’s a true gift to me. So glad I waited to hear of her miracle of her grass getting cut. To me this HAS to be what Jesus meant when He said you must come to me like a child. She’s in awe of our God. Thank you Eileen.