Transitions Be Cray-Cray


I got home from Uganda on August 1st, and life was pretty different for me than when I left.


It’s an overwhelming feeling to come ‘home’ after being gone for a month.

If you’ve ever been gone that long from where you live, you might understand that feeling. You’re thankful to be home, and quickly realize all the things that need to get done. You have people to catch up with, you have errands to run, you realize your room didn’t clean itself, and now you’re home with extra laundry to do. You have to unpack your life, and fall back in line with a routine. In my case, I had to actually build a routine.

Now add culture shock (I know, seriously) of being gone for a month to a place that is so unfamiliar. I couldn’t just call my mom or a friend. I couldn’t just go somewhere by myself. My comforts of control were mostly taken out of the picture. I’m not saying I was uncomfortable 24/7 in Uganda, because I had a bed, and running water (mostly), and Pastor Henry lived right across the street. Having his family nearby was a huge comfort to me. Also, my co-leader kept me stocked up with chocolate. Wise man.

Now add the spiritual and logistical responsibility of being in charge (with the great co-leader Carlos) of 14 MINORS, 12 of whom were GIRLS. Most of whom were going to Africa for the very first time. Without their parents. And with JUST Carlos and yours truly as ‘adults.’ Now, folks, you get the picture. It was a big month for me!!!

It was a time of growth and responsibility, and FUN. The teens were a blast and their hearts were seeking God. In ministry, we did so much. We preached the gospel (I got to preach the very first Sunday sermon!), played with kids, visited homes, visited other churches, prayed with people, worshiped, visited schools, did sports ministry (I, of course, face planted and hurt myself), made posters for the kids’ room at church, and also got to have a fun day in Jinja, where we bought souvenirs, saw the source of the Nile River and dipped our feet into it!

While overseas, with all these things happening (teens crying, confronting issues, one-on-ones, teaching times, imparting healing, teaching about the Holy Spirit, and making sure we’re cultivating a safe environment), it’s hard to process it all!

So I get home, am slammed with the transition as is, plus the processing of being overseas, culture shock, and the releasing of responsibility.

Friends, family, people in my life: if I haven’t gotten ahold of you or written much, this is why.

I have, on the other hand, responded to people who have reached out to me. I email, message, text, and call back. If you haven’t reached out to me, this is your extremely friendly reminder that I’d love for you to do that! I’ll be staring at my phone now, waiting.



So What Plans Changed?

Me being in CGA and having 3 apprentices coming in and serving my dream

I am now the Alumni Relations Coordinator.

How that changes pretty much everything::
((breakdown of my time and needs))

HOUSING: no longer provided by Adventures through the CGA. My friend Destiny is graciously hosting me in her home until I move into an apartment in November with Jill, who also works for Adventures.

FOOD: no longer receiving a food stipend from Adventures, so this is coming from the paycheck.

FUNDRAISING: I’m no longer fund-raising. Hold ye donations, or just send me care packages, or cash. I do have a yearly birthday in April, and I do celebrate Christmas. I also enjoy various types of foods and sweets.

MY WORK TIME: I work 20 hours in the Adventures office a week, and I work part-time at a hospital every other weekend. Pray for me, because my most of my free time goes toward Phylla House!!

WHAT I DO: No longer just managing social media. My main focus is to connect the Alumni of Adventures, starting with the World Race. My ministry is the 1621 people who have gone on the World Race and are now scattered all over the world. I help to manage the Connector Project and the Welcome Home Project.

PHYLLA HOUSE: Check it out:: That’s my Kingdom dream, yall! Boom, done!

Those are all the changes I have… I am doing all I can to obey the Lord and serve Him with my time. I look forward to reaching out to a lot of you and catching up. Just be ready and start praying, because you know the scoop.

I love you all a bunch.
