This is my fantastic blog from June. Sorry it’s late. I didn't forget! It was an unforgettable month, believe me.

Malaysia is a beautiful country, but it was a hard month for my team. There was a fascinating mixture of cultures to learn from. It was tough. Communication was difficult, and cultures clashed. That’s the briefest, most eloquent way to put it.

Our ministry contact was a Malaysian pastor of Indian descent.
That’s him, posing, while I jump inside a tunnel.

We lived above a Chinese Presbyterian church (with air-conditioning, hallelujah! Yes, I wrote a blog to that air-conditioner, check it out). We attended both Chinese and Indian churches. We taught math and English to Chinese, Indian, and Malaysian children.

We went on fascinating excursions to different cities in Malaysia, traveling in the sweatbox van for countless hours—that is, when it didn’t overheat or break down. I got to preach in two Indian churches and in the home of an Indian lady.

must have been a chicken impersonation? I'm sure it had to do with Jesus.

We were presented with very fancy outfits, twice.

We did manual labor and I laid bricks and helped to level a plot of land.

that's sweat, people.

We also did home visits and shared our testimonies and the gospel.

After we left the ministry site, we ventured on a train to Singapore. It was awesome, but pricy. If you go there, make sure to plan ahead. A lot.

the Bethanies and I, at Singapore

We returned to Kuala Lumpur, for a day at the coolest mall I’ve been to. We had McDonalds for lunch and sushi for dinner. It had an indoor rollercoaster park, and I very much enjoyed spending an entire day screaming my face off!

It was a great way to celebrate the rollercoaster that is my life 🙂

Oh and I also rode a dinosaur.

That’s Malaysia, folks!