We are in Kampong Cham, Cambodia.
Our ministry is partnering with YWAM, in a teaching center.
We are teaching “Personal Development” and building onto a foundation already laid out by the K Squad team, who put together the little booklet we’re using to teach.

I’m the lead teacher in the smallest class, and one of my teammates is with me to help me. The students are college-age, and some of the sweetest, most joyful people I’ve ever seen.

I was a teacher’s pet, but I surely never came to class with that much enthusiasm.

My anxiety and second-guessing goes out the window the minute the students arrive. They are excited. They want to hear what we have to say. They come prepared, and are willing to participate. I observed some of the other classes, and maybe I’m a little biased, but my class is the most involved. I always make them draw haha bring out the inner child, but I think drawing is an amazing way to learn.

My favorite part, aside from when the lesson clicks and they start nodding, is when they call me Teechah (Teacher) haha!

We have a language barrier to overcome. We rely on the one or 2 students who speak better English to make the concepts known to the others.

How does this tie in with ministry? We are teaching these people that they are worthy, special, and important. We teach them that they are created and are here for a purpose. We had them draw out their life goals, and encouraged them. We had them ask themselves if their Creator would be pleased with their plans, and if they believe that He has a good plan for their lives. We talked about what happens when things don’t go as we plan, and how we can have peace because God is with us and has a plan for us. We talked about inner beauty, and how being pale or dark is the way God made us, and that He thinks we are beautiful just the way we are.

These concepts may seem simple, but what if someone never taught a young woman or a young man that there is more to life than looks and money?

So we are teaching this here is Cambodia, with the Bible as our source of worth.

I’ll hopefully be able to upload some pictures of the students very soon. Please be in prayer for us and for them, and for us to be healthy. Most of us have felt a little woozy in Cambodia, so pray for our stomachs!