After training camp, a big wave of discouragement hit the racers.




“If the money is not in your account, you will not get on the plane.”


If reading that sentence makes you flinch or gives you nausea, keep reading!



Picture a first-time mother, very pregnant, very hormonal, staring at a pile of boards on the nursery floor. With a critical tone, she asks the father-to-be when are you going to finish the crib?!”
“Soon! Soon! Calm down, we still have time” he reasons.
Unrelenting, she continues “Why are you putting it off? Aren’t you excited for our baby? Can’t you see how big our baby is? I’m huge! Can you hurry it up and finish the crib?”
“SOON!” he answers, exasperated.

A week passes, and the daddy puts together a few more boards. It starts to look like a crib but it is nowhere near finished.
“COME ON!” she says, “Why can’t you just finish the crib?!
The baby is coming soon!”
He sighs, “I will! I will finish it, I promise!”

Not long after, the mom went into labor.
She had the baby. Upon arriving at home, she saw the lovely crib, assembled. Ready.
Daddy didn’t forget. Daddy kept his word.

I thought of us, racers, vulnerable, waiting, expecting this trip a lot like a baby.
We are excited, and nervous, and the closer it gets, the more real it becomes.
This is really happening. We are really going.

Lord, why isn’t the crib ready? Why, Daddy, haven’t You finished the crib?
Aren’t You excited? Can’t You tell how close we are? Look at us, struggling, worrying, preparing, fundraising, selling our belongings, speaking at churches, radio stations, newspapers, standing in front of strangers and family alike, trying our very best, Daddy!

Daddy, why aren’t we fully funded yet?

Will our fully-able, loving Daddy provide? Will He bring us the money? Is He just as excited, bursting with joy and anticipation for this trip? Yes. Yes. Yes.

Can we praise Him for the shaky frame that’s put together, and trust that Daddy will finish the job?

Nobody has $0 in their account, do we?

We all have testimonies of His unfailing provision, don’t we?

It may not look like the finished work, but Daddy started.

Some of us have pretty good-looking cribs right now, and we’re just missing the Noah’s Ark-themed bumper cushions. Some of us have a couple of boards nailed together, and it looks nowhere near ready. Wherever you are, take heart!!!

Keep doing your best.
Keep speaking.
Keep going, but praise Him.
Thank Him.
Trust Him.

Take a deep breath.
Sing a song of praise to the Almighty God!
He is so pleased with your anticipation for His calling.
He is excited that you’re obedient.
He sees how vulnerable you are.
He can’t wait either!
It will be ready soon!!

Daddy is working on it