I usually hate shopping, but I love it when I’m buying for my brother. LOVE it. I have an uncanny willingness in my heart to give to him. I would generously spend more on him than I ever would on myself.

If you have children, you know exactly what I mean. You would give them more than you give yourself, and you feel awesome about it. I’ve been told that this joy in giving doubles with grandchildren.

Jesus said “it is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35).

This is scientifically proven! Receiving a gift triggers our brains to release dopamine, giving us that pleasure feeling. Giving stimulates that same part of our brains MORE than receiving. Giving also activates a different part of our brains, which releases oxytocin, known as the “cuddle hormone,” giving us the warm fuzzy feeling of attachment.

Awesome, right?

God has hard-wired an instant reward for us, and told us that there are more rewards to come. He wants us to give cheerfully, not reluctantly.

Then, ready or not, Christmas comes. The stores go crazy because they know you’re going to spend money. Christmas lists unrolling, parents squeezing to get by, to fill a tree with as many gifts as possible because of Santa requests. Office parties, Christmas parties, gifts gifts gifts, buy everybody in your family a gift, buy everybody you really care about a gift, and if you don’t then that means you don’t care.

How is Christ glorified in this winter shopping spree? Isn’t His gift enough?

I’ve fallen into a compulsion to give ungraciously during Christmas, out of comparison or competition, out of trying to prove something that shouldn’t be proven with gifts, or even just trying to pause the bell-ringing madness for just few seconds.

I know those aren’t the reasons I love to give. It seems to me that a lot of people get caught in this too. Giving isn’t supposed to be unpleasant or competitive. That’s the world’s spin on something that the Lord designed to be good. It's freeing to give, to help, to provide. The Lord provides and blesses us, and we aren't told to hoard money or be selfish with it. We are called to share with others who have none and support ministry.
We should be cheerful when we are obedient in sharing our blessings!

“Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Cor 9:7

Of course there’s nothing wrong with giving gifts on Christmas, but give graciously out of LOVE, realizing that the best gift we could ever have is already ours: life.

Eternal life.

Abundant life in Christ.

If you feel it in your heart to support my mission trip, you can give cheerfully by clicking the “SUPPORT ME!”  link at the upper left. If it’s 5 cheerful bucks, I’d rather that than a reluctant $300.

The Lord has called me and He will provide.
I pray He uses you and blesses your willing heart!!!