A time for giving, consuming and spending time with family.
A time of year when it's acceptable and expected for the majority of the population to run around like chickens with their heads cut off.

It can be chaotic.

As a kid, it was one of the slowest months of the year because Christmas Eve couldn't couldn't come soon enough. Now, at 22, the year has flown by and Christmas is about to be out the door with it. 
I recently thought of a few key areas I want to challenge myself to grown in. It briefly went through my mind that I could put these off a month and let them be New Years Resolutions, but then again, why wait? 
We all know how most NY resolutions turn out.
So I'm going to change it up for myself this year.

End of Year Challenges
I want to commit to this final month of 2012:
  • Live Healthy.
  • Write More.
  • Fall Deeper in Love with God.
  • Make "Sacred Time & Space."
They're not complicated or extremely detailed and simple enough that I should be able to easily commit myself to them over the next three weeks.
As a part of the "Write More" challenge, I'm going to commit to blogging twice a week.
To find out more about what the rest of the challenges entail, or how they turn out, stay tuned!