Posted below is a copy of my support letter! I can send you a copy along with some cards I had made up if you send me your email or physical address. I've sent out quite a few support letters and just a handful of them that were sent out had a few gramatcial errors. If you got one of those letters and happen to be reading this – I'm sorry! Here is the correct version!
Dear Friends and Family,
I hope this letter finds you well. I’m writing to share with you what God is currently doing in my life and an opportunity He has placed before me to serve and bring the love and joy of Christ to the nations.
Before I go any further, I want to urge you to read this letter personally and not to dismiss it as just a “support letter.” While I do need financial support, I more importantly need a base of faithful partners willing to diligently pray for me and my squad, and encourage us on this journey of obedience we are about to embark on called The World Race.
The World Race is an 11-month missions journey to 11 different countries facilitated by the organization, Adventures in Missions ( My squad of about fifty people, divided into smaller teams, will be leaving in August to serve a month in each of the following countries: Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Malaysia, Cambodia, Vietnam, The Philippines, China, Ukraine, Moldova and Romania. We will be working with established missionaries serving their ministries and the local community in whatever capacity needed. We will do everything from open-air crusades in Africa and construction work on an orphanage in Romania to teaching at schools in The Philippines and serving in a restaurant ministry in Malaysia. We will be the hands and feet of Jesus, showing Christ’s love for the world and fulfilling the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20) by making disciples of the nations.
I am taking time away from school to work full-time to prepare to go on this mission. I know God has called me to the foreign mission field. I believe that taking this time from school to build the kingdom of God overseas is where God wants me for this next season of my life. I honestly do not know what I will be doing after the Race, but I am trusting that as I have my eyes focused on the Lord and am being made more into the likeness of Jesus, God will reveal in His perfect timing, exactly where He wants me. My heart’s desire is to see the love and joy of Christ in the lives of others. I desire to see the orphan and the widow cared for (James 1:27), the captives set free (Isaiah 61:1) and justice for the poor and needy (Psalm 82:3, Proverbs 31:9).
As I stated above, I need support in three main ways: prayer, encouragement, and finances. The total cost is $14,800. This includes transportation to and within the countries, all food, and lodging for 11 months. Of this total, I have already paid $2,850, leaving $11,950 currently left to raise. My goal is to have the trip paid completely by the time I leave at the beginning of August so I will not have to worry about fundraising while I am abroad. I ask that you prayerfully consider donating to this mission. There are a few ways you can do so:
Ways to Donate – All donations are tax-deductible!
1) Checks to:
Adventures in Missions
P.O. BOX 534470
Atlanta, GA 3035-4470
*Memo Line: Ashley Penny
2) Online through my blog
– To the left under my picture, click “Support Me!”
– You can set up one-time or monthly donations (Ex: $11/month for 11 months)
– You can donate by bank draft or debit/credit card
*Note that 3% is removed from bank drafts & 5% for debit/credit cards for credit card & transaction processing fees.
Whether you are able to give $5 or $50, I greatly appreciate any gift towards this trip.
Prayer Points for My Squad
– Travel, health & overall safety
– Strength & endurance to finish out the Race strong
– Patience, flexibility & understanding with others & especially each other
– Wisdom & discernment
– Self-discipline
– Fruitful ministry
– Boldness & courage
– Financial Support
Stay Updated
I have been blogging as I prepare for the race and will continue as I am on the field. Please take time to visit –
– In addition to blogging, you will find a monthly financial update and information on fundraisers I will be doing.
– Under my picture on the left, you can click “Update Alerts” to receive email updates.
Contact information
I would love to talk to you personally about this trip and what God is doing in my life. Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
Ashley Penny
(919) 771-6570
[email protected]